Chapter 2

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Taylor’s POV:

Alright. Soundcheck = done. I can’t believe it. I have been planning this tour for so long and the first night is finally tonight. TONIGHT. Now I had to get ready for the meet and greet session before the show started. I ran off to my dressing room, casually stopping by Ed’s to see if he was there. I missed him. Yes, I know it has only been a couple hours since we talked in his hotel room, but I still missed his sweet face and his gentle voice. I just wanted to say hi. But when I got there, he was gone. “Where’s Ed?” I asked one of the security guards who was standing outside my room. “He’s already gone off to get his guitar and warm up. You just missed him.” Shoot. I wanted to at least get a good luck kiss before the show started. But that’s okay. I’ll get plenty after the show is over. Alright Taylor, focus. Focus. I pulled on a cute white lace dress and some red oxfords, told Meredith goodbye, and I was on my way to meet my fans.

Ed’s POV:

Holy shit. I can’t believe that I just played in front of almost 16,000 people. That was outrageous! It was just me and James the II out there. And we rocked it. But now it was time to make my way out into the crowd so that I could join Taylor at her B stage and sing our song together. I loved watching her perform. You can tell just by the look on her face that she absolutely loves what she does. But oh my. That smile. It always gets to me. It’s so beautiful and encouraging. It’s one of my favorite things about her. And hot damn, her ass always looks fantastic in those black leather shorts. It’s getting hard for me to not go up there and stage and scoop her up and take her back to my hotel room and have my way with her. But we hadn’t gotten to that stage in our relationship yet, and that was completely okay. I want her to feel comfortable with me before we take it to the next level. Even though she was killing me every day with her smile and the way she twirled her hair in her fingers and her little laugh. But I knew I had to wait. But it was going to be hard seeing her come off that stage, being so excited about the tour, and that giant beautiful smile across her face. But what if tonight is the night? What if she does want it? What will I actually do? I hadn’t even thought about that. Holy shit. Damnit, Ed. Calm down. You know what to do. Everything will be alright. Finally, I hear one of the sound guys yelling at me to come get my guitar and that I was up next to play with Taylor. I climbed up on the little circle stage, and there she was. Looking as irresistible as ever. Fuck.

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