Chapter 40

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Ed's POV:

Life right now is perfect. I have the greatest wife a man could ask for, and 3 beautiful children. I can't imagine my life any different. I don't want to think about it being any different. I had a great career, and played some of the world's best venues. Let's not forget the most important shows, the ones I opened up for Taylor on the RED Tour. That's what brought us together. I thank God every day for giving me that opportunity and bringing Taylor and I together. It almost seemed like it was destined to happen.

Since the RED Tour ended, Taylor and I both had to put our careers on hold, because unexpectedly, Poppy came along. I have no idea how our lives would've been if Poppy wouldn't have been born. I can remember it like it was yesterday; the day Poppy was born was one of the greatest days of my life. It was also one of the scariest. That was the first moment I ever had to think about life without Taylor. Even thinking about it right now gets me upset.

Ever since that day, I promised myself that my family would come before my career. But luckily, since Taylor and I are both in the music business, it was easy for her and I to continue our careers, while our family was growing. Taylor has released 3 more albums since we've been married, and I've released 2; I'm working on a new one right now. Taylor decided to call it quits about 5 months ago, right before Cadence was born. She wanted to be a full time stay at home mother, and raise our kids. This new album I'm working on is all about our family. The songs are inspired by Taylor, Poppy, Aiden, and Cadence. They're my most prized possessions. I owe this album to them.

We've got a recording studio in our basement, which has created a few wonderful memories. Making love to Taylor, which lead to Aiden joining this world. Writing most of my songs and writing songs with Taylor. It's nice having a studio right in our house, that way I don't have to leave my family, and they can spend time with me, while I work. Writing songs and spending time with my family are my favorite things in the world, and when I can do them at the same time, my world is absolutely perfect. I've taught Poppy how to play the guitar down here, and she's become quite the little musician herself. She's even working on writing her own song right now. And she's 8 years old. It's incredible.

Aiden hasn't quite gotten into the music yet; he's our little sports guy. He plays soccer and basketball for a recreational team here in Nashville. I love taking him to practice and watching his games. He's quite good; which is odd considering neither Taylor or I have an athletic bone in our bodies. But he loves it, and as long as he's doing something he loves and is passionate about it, we're going to cheer him on every step of the way. 

I'm sitting down here in the living room with Cadence in my arms and the TV turned on to re-runs of Friends. Cadence is growing bigger and bigger every day. I wish it would slow down. I want her to stay little forever. Her hair is slowly turning red, and it's going to be curly; just like mine. I've got her rested up against my shoulder with her chin resting on the top of my shoulder. Taylor is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and Cadence doesn't like to be in a spot where she can't see her mom, so I have her faced towards Taylor so she doesn't cry. She's got a death grip on my shirt, and is slobbering all over it. She's making adorable little noises and Taylor keeps talking to her. Cadence has the most beautiful smile. And her laugh; don't even get me started on how adorable it is. Poppy and Aiden are outside playing on the swing set, and Taylor can keep an eye on them through the giant windows in the kitchen.

I get up and walk over to Taylor and stand right next to her. Cadence reaches for her, and I hand her off. 

"Babe, this all looks wonderful. How much more time until it's done?"

"Oh, I'd say about 10 minutes. Can you set the table for me?"

"Of course."

I leaned over and planted a soft kiss on her lips, and then walked over to the cabinet to get the dishes out. Taylor took Cadence and put her in the swing that was sitting in the kitchen and turned it on so that it would rock her back and forth, and probably put her to sleep. She fussed a bit, but quieted down a few moments after Taylor walked away. 

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