3rd Chapter: About Stiles...

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Word Count: 943 words

Scott's POV

Liam and I waited impatiently for Stiles to return, but he never did. After a while, we heard a loud thud from behind us and then we saw Parrish on fire approaching us. I signaled Liam to move out of the way and we let Jordan walk past us. As he walked through the mountain ash walls, he burned the mountain ash right out of the walls.

 After he walked down the hallway I reluctantly put out my arm and when I saw the walls had no effect on me, I ran towards the room where Lydia was held, with Liam running behind me

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 After he walked down the hallway I reluctantly put out my arm and when I saw the walls had no effect on me, I ran towards the room where Lydia was held, with Liam running behind me. When we got there, Jordan was just standing there and watching Lydia who was tied up to a bed but only from her left arm. She looked terrified and the color was drained from her face.

"He got him..." She said hardly loud enough even for a werewolf to hear it, obviously shocked from what happened.

"Who got who, Lydia?" I asked, not understanding what happened. She didn't answer. She just shook her head tears starting to fall from her eyes. As I untied from her remaining binds with my super-strength she hugged me and before I could react she started crying at my shoulder. I just hugged her back rubbing her back softly and we sat there for a minute. "What happened Lydia? And where is Stiles?" I asked her still curious to find out.

She stopped crying and pulled away a little to look me in my eyes, her green ones filled with tears and pain. "H-He t-took h-him..." She said her voice shaking from the crying. "V-Valack t-t-took St-Stiles" Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying now.

I just sat there in shock, a million questions running through my mind: Why did he took him? What would he want with Stiles? He was human... Valack was experimenting on supernatural creatures right? It didn't make any sense...

Although I was still in shock, I helped Lydia get up. Her legs were shaking so I put my arm around her so that she could balance. "W-we must go find him Sc-Scott!" her voice slightly less shaky than before. "You don't know what h-he does..." she said taking a deep breath to stop the shaking completely.

"Lydia, you go with Liam and Jordan and get the hell out of here! Go to meet Kira and Malia at the animal clinic. I'm going to find Stiles." I said trying to sound less distressed than I was.

Liam took my place quickly and helped Lydia walk out of that hellhole. Jordan just followed them like he was hypnotized. 

When they were out of sight I started running trying to find my best friend.

I don't even know how much time passed before my legs couldn't hold me up and I just crumbled on the floor to take a breath. Stiles was nowhere to be found. I let my emotions control me and punched the floor so hard that it broke. As I laid there with my back on the wall, not being able to get up from the tiredness that overwhelmed me, I closed my eyes and slowly drifted away...

-----Time Skip-----

I heard two voices from a distance and I shot my eyes open. I saw two blurry figures talking to me but I didn't understand what they were saying. When I finally focused I saw Malia and Kira kneeled down in front of me.

"Scott, what are you doing?" Malia asked me with a questionable look.

Before I could react, Kira collided her lips with mine and I kissed her back. We broke the kiss only when we heard a cough coming from Malia and Kira pulled away blushing. "Don't ever do that again. You hear me? EVER." she finally managed to say and before I could even answer she continued super-fast as she did every time she was nervous. It was adorable. "Liam told us what happened. We got Lydia to Deaton and he said she was fine, just a little dehydrated. He said he doesn't know what Valack did to her and she said she doesn't want to talk about it. Deaton gave something to Jordan and he woke up from his hypnotized state. Then she just fell asleep while Liam was telling us what happened... Is Stiles really taken by Valack? Why would he even take him? and... and..."

"Wow. Wow... slow down..." I said and then tried to answer her questions "Yes... Valack took Stiles and I don't know why... I mean he takes only supern-" I stopped before i could finish the words, as realization finally hit me. "We need to go to Deaton now. Like right now!" I said as I finally got up with the help of a sudden rush of energy running through me.

I thought about the morning when Deaton was telling us to be careful. For some reason I think he was referring mostly to Stiles.

"Why?" Malia asked as she didn't understand what just happened.

"I need to talk to him. I think he knows something..." I replied as I started to walk the hall that leads outside of Eichen House.

"About what?" Kira asked, while she and Malia followed me, still not understanding what was happening.

I sighed and then answered her question. "About Stiles..."

Author's Note:

Hey! Thanks for reading this story!! It means a lot to me.  -M.

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