12th Chapter: Revelations

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Word Count: 2965 words

Stiles' POV

I saw a dream right when I fell down...

I saw Lydia reassuring me that I would be alright... I saw her crying and calling my name... I wished to every power that was out there, to make that dream into reality... I wished to be finally free, together with my friends, with Scott, with Lydia, Malia, Liam, Kira.

The chances for my dream to have been true were too little though and because of that, I was afraid.

I was afraid that all my struggle to get out had been for nothing.

When I regained my senses it was really hard for me to open my eyes.

Opening my eyes meant facing reality and I wasn't ready for that.

So, I stayed with my eyes closed for some time that could have been second, minutes, maybe even hours... but nothing happened.

No crazy scientist to cut me, or burn, or even freeze me...

I knew I couldn't trust my senses at a time like this, but as time passed and nothing was happening, the ADHD teenager that I am couldn't keep still.

I slowly opened my eyes, the light momentary blinding me. I sat up and when I finally adjusted to the source of light I looked around and took note of everything in the room.

An IV bag was connected with my arm through a needle. I winced as I pulled it out.

What I was seeing couldn't be true, 'I must be still dreaming' was the first thought that passed through my head.

It looked like I was in the animal clinic, but that couldn't possibly be true...

Maybe I was lucky? Maybe my dream came true? Or maybe it wasn't a dream at all? Maybe the person sitting and sleeping in the chair next to the table I was lying on and holding my hand was real? Maybe the other person who was sleeping on a chair on the other side of the table was real too?

Tears actually fell down my face freely, now that my guard was down. All my frustrations of the past couple of days were coming to the surface. Had it even been only a couple days? I had no idea. My sense of time was long gone since I fell unconscious so many times.

I hadn't even realized that I was loudly sobbing at that point until the person sleeping at my right side stirred, but I couldn't stop. It was the unmanly and embarrassing kind of sobbing, the kind which would embarrass anyone, however the people next to me weren't strangers and they weren't enemies. They were my friends, my pack. Scott was lying on a chair to my right and Lydia was lying half on her chair and half on the table to my left side.

Scott shot up from his chair looking around in panic, probably searching for a threat. When he looked at me, he immediately calmed down and run to my side to hug me like it was the first time he had seen me in years. I hugged him back crying on his shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind.

"I am so glad you woke up" He sounded like he was nearly on the verge of tears

My head was still hearting like a bitch and a wave a nausea run through me almost making me puke all over my best friend, Scott sensing my discomfort grabbed a bucket that was next to the table-bed and gave it to me. After I emptied the contents of my stomach, he took the bucket and put it away.

"Deaton told us, that you would feel nauseous when you woke up, so-" He pointed at the bucket "I brought it here just in case..."

I groaned at the pain in my head and my stomach "I feel like I've been sleeping for ages..."

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