4th Chapter: Suspicions

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Word Count: 1185 words

Stiles' POV

I woke up dizzy from the heat that was surrounding me. A bright light was blinding me as I was still half-asleep and my eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet. When my vision became clear, I saw that I was tied up, with silver colored chains, to a chair. The room looked like a hospital room, because it was REALLY white. At my left side there was a fireplace (that must be where the heat is coming from...). Except from the fireplace, everything else was white or silver. There was a window but It was covered by white curtains. I didn't even know if I was underground and the window was a trick. The light source was above me and it was a chandelier. This place is way too cozy and luxury for my standards. Instantly, I remembered about the time I was possessed by the Nogitsune and Oliver tied my up to a chair, but then I shook that thought out of my head.

A shiver run down my spine when I saw a little metal table with the weirdest tools I had seen in my life. The feeling of distress and fear suddenly deluged me, as I remembered the facts clearly. I was taken by Valack, Lydia was not here and I forgot to mention... I am freaking kidnapped by a crazy scientist! And I don't even know WHY!

Then I heard a rusty door opening from behind me and as a reflex I tried to escape from my binds. My moves were only causing laughter to the person that was coming and I immediately recognized the voice. It was Valack himself.

"You are finally awake! How are you feeling?" he asked with a smirk spread across his face

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"You are finally awake! How are you feeling?" he asked with a smirk spread across his face.

"Um... you know... the usual. Just chilling TIED UP TO A CHAIR, KIDNAPPED!!" I said-yelled sarcastically.

Valack just smirked even more trying not to laugh at my comment. He brought a chair in front of me and just sat there looking at me like he needed to figure out something, he was examining me with his eyes for a while, before I got impatient.

"Where's Lydia?" I asked trying to keep my thoughts in order.

"Oh... she is just fine." He said smirking again "You were my aim... not some Banshee."

"What?... Answer my question!" I said with a demanding tone, as I was really worried about my strawberry blond crush since 3rd grade and I was getting impatient.

"She is with your friends. I let them take her... she is nothing compered to my curiosity towards you..." He told me keeping his tone and smirk unchanged.

"What do you mean 'curiosity towards me' ?" I asked, still confused from his previous words.

"You know, since I learned about you I was looking forward for this day..." he said his smirk fading replaced by a serious look on his face.

"Since you learned what about me? I am just a hyperactive teenager and sarcasm is my only defense against the supernatural world... I mean what do you want from me? You experiment on supernatural creatures, right? I am just Human, in case you didn't notice my inability to protect myself from psychos like you!" I said angrily.

"See that's where you are wrong Stiles... I believe that you are something more than 'just human'. I know that deep down inside you think that too..." He replied completely serious. "...and I am determined to figure out exactly what you are." He added, still looking at me with hie examining look.

That's when I lost it. He was toying me around with his half-answers. I was flooded by stress and quandary. I replayed in my head everything that happened since Scott got bitten. Then I realized that since the sacrifice I felt something different... I thought it was only the darkness, but now I know that it wasn't just that... there was more to it. Suddenly I felt the flames from the fireplace increase. I felt like I was going to burn alive. My heartbeat was rising over the edge and my breathing shortened. I was having a panic attack and I knew it was because everything was way too much for me to handle. Everything was suddenly louder and brighter. I didn't even know if I was human. A couple of warm tears escaped my eyes, as i couldn't take it any more. The heat was too much.

"I-I c-can-n't br-brea-th-the" I said trying to draw a breath but failing. "Th-the he-heat i-is t-t-too m-much!!" I tried to yell, but it came out more like a whisper than a shout with my throat drying even more from each breath.

He was staring at me, like I was from an other planet, from the shock. When he became aware that I wasn't faking it, he looked distressed like he was going to loose his precious test subject. Then he quickly picked up the bucket with the icy water and he turned it upside down above my head. I felt the water, drop on my skin and feeling like it burned out the fire that was going to destroy me. As the feeling of ecstasy overwhelmed me, I just sit there still enjoying the coldness of the water, before i snapped back to reality and saw Valack in front of me.

"Better?" he said smirking, while I sighed in disappointment, as I was still tied up with the chains around me. I didn't say anything. I just looked at the ceiling trying to put my emotions in order.

"Well, it was really refreshing... but i would prefer a shower." I replied sarcastically when I finally felt the need to fill with words the sound of silence that was filling the room.

"That confirmed some of my suspicions, but I will need more data points to come to a conclusion..." He said, as he looked skeptical about something...

"What suspicions?" I asked starting to get annoyed by his words, that all they did was leave me with more questions than answers...

He didn't say anything. He just smirked and walked away to the door, leaving me alone with my questions unanswered... "WHAT SUSPICIONS?" I shouted after him, but he was already gone.

And I couldn't help but think the most important question of all: 'What the Heck just happen to me?'.

Hey Guys! Missed me? Probably not, but I don't mind. I am so exited for the next chapter... 

Spoiler Alert: It will be at Lydia's POV...

I am still working on it, but I will likely post it next Monday. I will generally try to keep a routine, that means that I will try to update every Monday. If I write enough chapters I may start updating twice a week but i don't know yet... Can you please comment if you like my story? I will really appreciate it. I want your honest opinions. If I made any grammar mistakes you can tell me. What do you think will happen next? I have a lot in store for this story...*grins evilly*        -M.

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