Chapter 6

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Today I'm performing "I Don't Wanna" on TRL. I'm so excited. As I'm getting ready,there was a knock on the door. It was Eazy E.

"Hey,what are u doing here," I asked him.

"Well,I'm not doing anything today,so I was just seeing what you were doing."

"Well, I'm performing at TRL today, would you like to come.

"Sure," he replied.

"Cool,come on in, I'm finna get ready and leave,"I told him.

Eazy E

As I'm walking into her home, it smells just like, strawberries and perfume.

"I'll be out in a minute,"she told me.

As I'm walking, looking around, I see Kikada watching TV.

"Wuddup  girl,"I told her.

"Hey, can u come here please,"she said

As I'm walking to her, she's starring at me, like she wanna have sex with me. As I'm sitting on her bed, she fuckin kissed me.

"Hey, damn what are you doing, you have a boyfriend,"I told her.

"I want you."

"But what would PAC say if he saw or heard this shit."

"Oh, well I was going to break up with him,"she told me.

"But...why,I have a crush on Aaliyah,"I told her.

"When were you going to tell me," a familiar voice said. As I turned around, I saw Aaliyah. She looked beautiful as usual. I love when she where those sexy tank tops.

"So, you cheating on PAC, after he was nice enough to give his heart to you,get out on my DAMN house and don't you ever come back," she said.

"You know what, that's fine, I'll go live somewhere else,"she said storming off angrily.

"Hey,I'm sorry for that, I didn't know she had feelings for you, Aaliyah said,giving me a hug.

"Its sight, I just don't know how I'm gonna tell PAC about this."

"Well, let's go have some fun,"she said.


As I'm riding in the limousine, I'm feeling awful for what I did. I hate being rude to people, but she deserved it. We got to the TRL place, and I see people screaming and  shouting my name, waving at me and with posters. I love when the fans adore me.

"Hey, good luck out there,"Eazy said.

Your on at 5," the man told me.

I do my normal thing when I am nervous before performing, sing "My Funny Valentine.

"Your on," he told me.

"Knock em dead,"Eazy told me.

As the beat playing, I see the crowd waving there hands side to side. As I sing the first couple of lines, the music stops and I see the crowd with cards that read " Will you marry me, from Eazy". I was frozen in shock.

As I'm looking around, I see Eazy E walking over to me. He gets on one knee, and proposed to me.

"Well, Aaliyah Haughton, will you marry me,"he asked.

My eyes were full of tears.

"Yes, yes I will marry you."

As the crowd roar with screams, I started singing happily.

Here's chapter 6. I hope you truly enjoy it. Thanks for reading.

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