Chapter 26: Wedding Disaster

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Caroline: "Ok Carrie I don't mean to send you into a panic but the caterer is having a hard time getting here so there might be no food for the reception."

Carrie: "What?!"

Caroline: "I know I'm trying to get him here sooner but no one has a car big enough for all the food."

As she left the room Carrie sat down trying hold her fuse.

Carrie: "Fantastic."

Miranda: "Care everything's gonna be ok."

Carrie: "Sure...Ran I'm gonna walk around and cool off."

Miranda: "Make sure Brad doesn't see you."

Carrie: "I'll try."

After she shut the door she looked down both directions of the hall and walked towards another room. When she opened the door she saw Brad doing his tie.

Brad: "Whoa Carrie I'm not supposed to see you it's bad luck."

Carrie: "I can't do this. I can't walk down that aisle with tears in my eyes."

Brad: "Carrie I know things are falling apart, but it'll be fine."

Carrie: "Really so it's fine that's there's no food, no flowers, no photographer, and there's only half a band! Brad I can't calm down everything is turning into a disaster. Why couldn't we just elope, oh wait I remember it was to make our damn families HAPPY!"

Brad: "Come on."

Brad takes her hand and guides her out of the room looked for people and walked down the hallway.

Carrie: "Brad where are we going?"

Brad: "Just wait."

They walk out of the church, Brad slowly closed the doors behind them.

Brad: "Get in the truck."

Carrie: "Brad..."

Brad: "Get in the truck."

Carrie grabbed her dress and ran to the truck. As Brad started the engine he pulled out from the church and started driving.

Carrie: "Where are we going?"

Brad: "Wait for it."

As Brad made a left hand turn Carrie saw Blake standing in front of a huge oak tree. Brad pulled over and parked.

Carrie: "What are we doing here?"

Brad: "Who said we couldn't have two weddings?"

Carrie smiled.

Brad: "I know you wanted it to just be you and me but with our families it was destroyed, so I'm asking Blake to marry us twice so we can have our dream wedding and then that thing our families call a wedding."

Carrie: "I love ya, you know that right?"

Brad: "Of coarse I do."

Carrie: "Well let's do this."

They get out of the car and walk up to Blake.

Carrie: "Oh wait I don't have my vows."

Brad: "I don't either."

Carrie: "Hey we don't need Em just say what you think about me, then I'll do the same."

Brad: "Ok um."

He clears his throat, looked into her eyes, and smiled.

Brad: "Carrie...I um I guess I really don't know what to say...I never thought love could be like your on cloud nine, but it does. We have been through thick and thin together and somehow managed to stay together. I love you more than words can say, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Blake: "Carrie."

Carrie: "I uh I don't know what life holds for us in the future weather it's kids, traveling, or just growing old together, all I do know is that in ready for it as long as I have you to do it with. You are the love of my life and I never thought you would be to be honest, but you stole my heart fair and square. You've loved me in my good times and bad and I'm really great fun for that. But today is the day my life begins because you never find the meaning of life by yourself you find it with another. But that's the point you are the meaning to life, the meaning in my life."

Blake: "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Brad put his hands in the small of Carrie's back as Carrie put her arms around his neck. They share their very first kiss as husband and wife.

Brad: "Are you ready for our second wedding?"

Carrie: "Yeah. And you know what I don't even care about it anymore."

Brad: "That's what I was goin for."

I am so sorry I haven't been on lately but school has just been really hectic. Thanks for being patient through. Comment and vote! Love ya'll!!!!!

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