Ari Uzamaki (Shikamaru) part 2

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We just got back from a mission,I was in a fight  I ended up winning at the end. But I lost a lot of blood, I could barley see anything my vision was blurry. "Ari!? Are you okay?"I heard my brother yelled, I heard other voices to but then everything went black.


I woke up in a hospital bed,I tried sitting up but it hurt. I looked around,I saw shikamaru sleeping in a chair. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "What!?"he yelled as he quickly got up,I giggled "weres my brother?"I asked, he just looked at me in shock.... "Y-your alive!?"he yelled then ran to me and hugged me, I was surprised at first but then I hugged back.

He still didn't let go, "shika...what happend?"I said as he finally released me, I was sad. "You had gotten in a fight with sasori, you and Sakura ended up whining the fight.but sasori injected poison  into you..."he said, I then looked at him,he was crying. "You were gone  for 10 months..."he said,I got out of the hospital bed.

I put my hands on his cheeks using my thumbs to wipe   the tears away, "I'm alright now"I said with a smile, he put his hands on mine. What!!! What's happening!!?? He pushed me towards him, he looked into my eyes. I new what was gonna happend  I just couldn't proses it all at once,was my crush gonna kiss me!!!!??

He the kissed me,I was in shock at first but I kissed back. His hands fell to my waist as mine still cupped his face,I stand on my tippy-toes.
I melted into the kiss, we then departed for air. Our foreheads touched, "I know this sounds Cliche,but I love you..."shika said, I gave him a kiss "love you to"I said, just then my idiot brother barged in. "Is ari-"he said but saw us and danced "I new it!! Finally Ari!!! I thought it was gonna take forever to get you guys together !!!" My brother yelled, I glared at him. "Shut up Naruto!"I yelled, he just gave me a "take it easy kids!" Kinda look,he then left.

Shika then looked at my feet,I then realized I was still on my tippy-toes. He started to giggle,I glared at him "hey!don't laugh at me,it's not my fault I'm not as tall as a mountain!"I said, but then I giggled after. Shika then walked up to me kissing me agian,but I pulled away with a smirk. "Nope! Your not getting a kiss back because you laughed at my shortness"I said, he looked mad "what a drag!"he said,I giggled. I finally had him.

I'm really have no clue what to do with the next chapter, I need requests. But if I don't get any,I guess I'll just do whatever comes to my mind. Anyways....


- Kat😸

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