I hate you... (Sasuke uchiha)

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It was him it actually was him....Sasuke, after what seemed to be forever...I finally saw him,he's changed a lot. He was taller and a lot cuter, I guess I've changed to. I was a lot curves,almost like and hourglass shape, and my hair was still brown but it was longer,and my eyes were still they grey color they were.i wear a crop top hoodie, some black shorts, knee socks and ninja sandals.

Me,Sakura,naruto.....we all stood in shock, after all this time we find our team mate. "S-Sasuke?" Sakura whispers, I look down away from Sasuke. I was mad.....no, I was pissed! I heard someone land infront of me, I looked up.. It was Sasuke. "I hate you,you know that..right?" I said while balling up my fists, he smirked "I know, but I made a promise that you would see me agian"he said, I looked at him then walked away, everyone stared at me.

"Let's go" I say to the team, "Akira! We have to take him back to the village" naruto said looking at me, "can't you see!? He doesn't want to come back,he just wants more power! That's why he left..." I said in a shaky whisper voice,dammit!! I hate it when I'm like this....I feel weak. I then saw Sasuke run up to me, I felt arms hug me...it was Sasuke. Why would he do that,he never showed emotion...I just hugged back tears falling from my face, I hated him so much...but at the same time I loved him.....w-why Sasuke?

This is the shortest chapter I've ever written, well I haven't updated in a long time so the next one will be better, I promise...so bye!!!!!🌸


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