Chapter 1: Captured •Updated•

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The first order was attacking a small town on Jakku. I ran over to the tent Poe was in but a storm trooper grabbed my arm. I tried to fight back but his grip only tightened which made me wince. Another one had pointed a blaster at the back of my head. My eyes widened as I saw Poe in front of the one and only Kylo Ren.

The man who murdered Ben Solo; my first love. They were talking and Kylo looked over in my direction. He waved the storm troopers to take Poe on the ship and walked over to me. "I can take this from here, you are dismissed." He tells the storm trooper grabbing my arms.

"Of course sir, what of the villagers?" The first storm trooper asks. "Kill them all." He says and the storm trooper nodded walking away. "No!" I shout as I tried to knee Kylo where it counts but he avoided my knee. He waved his hand over my face and I saw only darkness.

??? P.O.V

"FN-2189, get ready to guard a prisoner when we get back on Starkiller Base." Captain Phasma orders. "Yes, Captain." I nod. She walked away as I went over to my post.

When we got back to the base. I walked with Commander Ren as he carried some girl in his arms. She is really pretty. "When she wakes send a report." Commander says with his Metallic like voice.

Ayanna P.O.V

I opened up my eyes and tried to move but I was tied down. By the door there was a storm trooper guarding me. I started thinking of ways to escape.

Poe's P.O.V 

A storm trooper was walking me somewhere with a blast pointing at my back. "Listen carefully, you do as I say I can get you out of here." The storm trooper tells me. "What?" I asked him confused.

He pulled off his helmet. "This is a rescue, I'm going to help you escape. Can you fly a tie fighter?" He asks me. "Are you with the Resistance?" I ask. He looked confused. I guess not.

"What? No, I am breaking you out! Can you fly a tie fighter?!" He shouts. "I can fly anything." I tell him confidently. He laughed smiling. "We have to go find my girlfriend first." I tell him. "We can't or they'll catch us and we will be caught tortured then killed!" He tells me.

"I'd rather be tortured and killed then leave her behind!" I tell him. "I'm not going to risk this, we can come back for her." He tells me. I sighed in defeat. I knew I had to get BB-8 back to the Resistance. Anya would do the same if she were in my shoes. I nodded defeatengly as he put his helmet back on and grabbed my arm pointing his blaster at my back once again.

FN-2189 P.O.V 

I turned around when I thought I heard a small voice. I walked over to the control panel and reported to Commander Kylo Ren. "You will let me go." She ordered. I laughed. "No, you will wait here until Kylo Ren decides your fate." I tell her as she glared. "Take off your helmet." She ordered. I snorted. Is this girl for real?

"Please I just want to see if there is something that's not a monster under there." She says softly. I narrowed my eyes. I lifted up my helmet.

Ayanna P.O.V 

I acted as if I feared he was a monster

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I acted as if I feared he was a monster. I just wanted to see what he really looks like so I can gain his trust and leave.  He or should I say she took off her helmet.

"As you can see I am no monster." She stats. "What's your name?" I ask. "FN-2189" She says. "Well, looks like I might be here for a while so I'm going to call you Tessa." I tell her. "FN-2189 who said you could take off your helmet?" Captain Phasma says walking in the room.

"Sorry Captain." She says putting her helmet back on. Commander Kylo Ren walks in. "All of you leave I want to talk to the prisoner alone." Kylo orders as they all left and He walked closer. "What is your connection to that Resistance scum?" He asked. "I'm not telling you anything unless you take off that ridiculous helmet." I tell him and he took of his helmet and placed it on the dirt. At least I'm going to tell myself that is dirt.

"That 'Resistance Scum' is my boyfriend." I tell him. "So you already replaced your first love?" He asks clearly angry. "No, Ben will always have a special place in my heart. I would most likely still be with him today if you hasn't murdered him!" I hissed.

He narrowed his eyes as he placed his right hand under my chin. I moved my head away in disgust. He straightened up removing his hand. "You know where the map to Luke Skywalker is don't you?" He asked. "Classified." I stat simply. He groaned massaging his temples. "You said if I removed my helmet you would talk." He says annoyed. "Words are coming out of my mouth aren't they?" I ask cockily. 

He glared at me taking a deep breath.  "You left me no choice...." He says placing his hand on my head. I felt him roaming through my mind.
I tried to fight against him and clear my mind.

Then I remember I was at a bar on Tatooine. Han and Chewie were sitting next to me. We overheard people talking about how the first order was attacking a small town on Jakku.

I knew Poe would be there fighting so I quickly went to my ship and flew to Jakku.

I remembered Master Luke teaching us to keep those from entering your head and finding information that you don't want them to know. All you have to do is pretend that you are closing a door and locking that secret.

That's exactly what I did. If Kylo Ren think he can get that answer so easily from me then he is wrong. He won't find out anything if I can help it! I noticed his fists were clenched tightly and he pulled out his light-saber.

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came instead I heard the door slam.

Tessa quickly entered and shut the door again. We hear Kylo screaming in frustration and things being destroyed. A female voice talking through an intercom. "Clean up crew in the cells it's a code Kylo."

"What the hell is a code Kylo?" I laughed. "It means Kylo is having another one of his tantrums." Tessa chuckled. "The 'big, bad, scary Kylo Ren' has tantrums?" I ask. She laughed slightly. "Right, it's as if a toddler is running the First order."

I have a feeling Tessa and I are going to be close.

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