chapter 2

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nobody p.o.v 

naruto was neglected by his parents and beaten by the villagers from age one  all the way up to age 8. with that he trained to get stronger and show the villagers and his parent who's boss and that they should never of forgotten and beaten him. but then all of a sudden the elders off the village had a 'brilliant' idea and that was to banish and send naruto to prison i know the most stupidest idea in the world but it does have its upsides for our little naru's future.

naru p.o.v

right know i'm being taken to the jail i swear i hate those elders their gonna get whats coming for them one day or i'ma gonna kill them either way its gonna be fun or funny. we got to the prison and my escorts told them why I'm here, the guards glared at me and nodded their heads. i was then shoved into the place the warden came over and the guards told him what they heard, he also glared at me and put the special seal on me and i was taken to a special room. i was thrown in the room and i hit the wall hard "fuck.." i said as the guard that threw me in here had lust and want in his eyes. 

next morning 

the next morning i woke up in pain, i remember what happened yesterday and scowled i had been raped. i slowly got up on to fell myself tied up hanging from the wall i saw the warden come in with a whip. he turned me around and started whipping me, this was alot more painful then the beatings i would get from the villagers. i screamed loudly and i heard him chuckle deeply and continue but much harder.

4 weeks later 

the torcher never stopped once, i would get raped every night and then during the day i would be whipped, slashed, punched/kicked or put on a machine that stretches me out. for some reason today they didn't come in, i wonder whats going on today that made them stop. i just hung there until the door opened and the warden came in with another who had a mist headband "what pleasure do i owe  you warden for gracing me with your presence and you to mist ninja" i said they both jumped this was the first time i spoke to the warden he looked at me surprised i had a husky voice from all the times i have screamed in my life "you can talk!" he yelled "yes i can dickhead" i said "well this mist ninja is getting you out so goodbye brat" he said and took the seal of me i had alot of permanent scarring that seal alone gave me alot of scarring but it does look cool.

in the mist 

we got to the mist and i was sent to an orphanage near the mizukage building i got there and they took me in i meet a girl named mei she is really pretty. i think i might have a crush. its been a couple of days and mei was adopted and i was just adopted by my long lost uncle and aunt, jake and snow who are dating each other  

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