chapter 4

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naru p.o.v

after we got out of the mind scape yagura looked shocked the room was still bright pink we had to contain our laughter at his shocked face. he noticed out presence and chucked a kunai where we were we jumped out and he took a battle stance "what the fuck is going on here? and who are you three?" he asked and we burst out laughing, he looked at us confused then looked down and saw that he was bright pink. a tic mark grew on his head "only one man would play a prank on me that included bright coloured paint" he said then directly glared at us "which one of you is naruto?" he asked scaring the other two as the pointed at me i bonked there heads "idiots your not meant to tell him" i said and took my mask of.

minato p.o.v

i'm sitting in my office thinking about my family, thats when something comes to my mind 'naruto' i thought as i did kushina bursts into my office with a panicked look "what is it?" i ask worried "i found out that the village elder sent naruto to jail and banished him" she said and my daw dropped "WHAT?!" i yelled and the council members and the village elders came into the room "what is with all the noise?" danzo asked and me and kushina glared at him "you banished our son and sent him to jail" i said in a demonic tone and the elders started sweating bullets while the others were confused. the elders explained what they did and i threw them into konoha jail while the others were trying and failing to rip their heads off for banishing naruto. "ANBU!" i called and 3 were in front of me in a flash "get my son out of jail he is naruto" i said and they shock their heads "why are you declining?" i ask and they stand up "your son naruto was taken out of jail 5 months after being put in the prison by a unknown person" the middle one said he is dog i nodded and dismissed them, i sat down at my desk and started to think about all the time i spent with naruto which from what i can tell is no time at all 'what have i done? why did i neglect naruto?' i asked myself but no answers came to mind. i looked out my window and towards kiri 'i hope your safe naruto'. 

naru p.o.v

i sneezed just as yagura was about to punch me, he stopped and blinked "what the hell just as i'm about to punch you?!" he shouted whipping his hand "sorry someone must be talking about me somewhere" i said looking out the window "so can you tell whats been going on?" yagura asked and i started explaining to him. once i was done i looked out the window and saw the rebel army standing around the tower, i poked my head out the window and they gasped at how i was in the tower. 

yagura p.o.v

i watched naru poke his head out the window and heard gasps then there was a rattling in the vents again and this time mei fell out "mei why did you follow me?" naru asked her 'i wonder what their relationship is now last time i checked they had secret crushes on each other' i thought as naru waked the back of her head i heard naru's companions laugh "naruto treat your girlfriend with respect she is our  leader" one said and my daw dropped as i stared at the two "so what we got together" naru said and mei nodded her head "still i did tell her no following me this could have been more dangerous then it was" at that the other two nodded in agreement.


hiya guys sorry for the wait but i do have this all planed out and i'll tell you if i need anything but i do need three ocs to be naruto's genin team i'm gonna let you guys make them but i will give you the guid lines for the ocs here goes nothing



eye colour:

hair colour: 

skin tone:








chakra nature:

pet (optional):

kekkei genkei:

and thats what you have to include if you want to have your oc in the book and yes if you want you can make a other oc and i'll try and add it in somewhere but with that you have to add their age and what village they come from ok? anyways bye!

fairyninja2016 out!

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