chapter 6

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3 year time skip naru p.o.v

its been three years of peace in kiri. i had managed to revive rin, obito's old team mate fully and he has been living with her peacefully here they even have a 1 year old girl named snow, they made me godfather because of all i've done for them. me and mei are know engaged and living happily. mei is the mizukage and i'm her right hand man so yea. yagura became the head of anbu in kiri, utakata is well the head of jonin, aoi is head of staff and chojiro is head of the seven swords men of the mist. just then we got word that the hokage is coming to estate a alliance between our villages mei looked at me and i nodded "he will be here in a few days with his family tell the council" mei told me and i nodded and vanished and appeared outside the council's compound where there mei, myself and the council live which is obito, rin, chojiro, aoi, yagura, utakata and others. i went to each house and told them, when i told obito and rin they sighed and nodded "bring snow with you" i said and they smiled and nodded. 

4 days later

minato had arrived an hour ago and mei told him and his family to get some rest and the meeting will be tomorrow he had agreed and been given a house in the councils compound to stay while he is here. i sighed and groaned it was my turn to get the shopping and minato's house is next to ours 'fuck' i thought as i got and changed into black fitted jeans, a orange t-shirt and i black leather jacket that was open i had my head band around my neck i put my black shinobi sandals on and headed for the door while looking at clip board that had all the things i need to get on it. i looked out the window before leaving to see minato, kushina, menma and mito looking out their window in amaze meant and also looking at the other house's, i groaned and opened the door getting their attention i stepped out and stretched and then started walking. i felt their stares on my back and a tic mark grew on my head "stop staring its annoying" i yelled and looked at them they gasped, i then started walking back down the road and to the shops but they had run out of their house and to me they stood behind me "can you not follow me" i said pointing back at their house my ring reflecting light they gasped again as i left in a black flash. after shopping i went to go pick up mei since its getting dark. i appeared outside her office i had all the shopping in a seal. i knocked on her door "come in" she said and i opened the door "its about time we go home" i said and she nodded and got up "then lets go" she said smiling "are we walking?" i ask as she left her office and nodded "about time we did" she said and i chuckled "ok lets go" i said and we started walking while talking about random things. we got to the compound and headed for our home i saw the uzukazes waiting outside their house i just kept talking with mei ignoring them. "should we invite yagura and our resident uchiha family?" mei asked and i thought for a second "yes lets have a little dinner party" i said and she nodded then pointed at the staring uzukaze family "what about them?" she asked and i sighed "why not" i said and she went into the house while i went over to them "your invited to dinner at the mizukages house" i said and they ran inside after accepting, i sighed and went to yagura's house and told him the same thing he agreed and went to get ready while i went to get obito, rin and snow. i arrived at their house and knocked rin answered "hiya naruto what do want?" she asked "you've been invited to dinner at the mizukages house" i said and she smiled "we will be there are they going?" she asked and i nodded and she sighed "let us get ready will be there soon" she said closing the door while i went home. i got there and started helping mei cook so that she can get ready. after she got back i got ready. by the time i was done the uzukaze family and yagura were down stairs i looked out my window to see the uchiha family coming, i smirked as mei was down stairs tapping her foot while looking up the stairs waiting for me. i slid down the railing and landed at the front door and obito knock yagura face palmed "of course you would do that naruto other wise you wouldn't be the prankster me and mei know" yagura said and i grinned at him and got the door "welcome obito, rin and little snow" i said picking snow up and she squealed happily and i saw minato and kushina faint. obito coached next to minato and rin did the same with kushina they started poking their faces menma and mito tried to stop them until "minato-sensei are you alright?" obito asked shocking the two and minato shot up and tackled rin and obito crying "i thought you were dead!" he cried and the two grinned "i did die" rin said and kushina shot up "what?!" she yelled "naruto brought rin back to life and we got married and had snow over there" obito said pointing at snow who is on my shoulder.

the next morning

i woke up and found the house trashed i sighed we had a better party then plained and i got drunk yay (note the sarcasm) i felt a tremor under me and that woke everyone up. we looked out side and i saw a black cloak with red clouds with my super vision. i ran over to yagura and told him we then went over to utakata's house and told him i had told mei and she was setting up defences as we speak. we ran to mei and she nodded we vanished into the underground bunker that had been made to make sore that the akatsuki don't get us. i felt another tremor and i made a mirror to the outside world so we can watch whats going on. we saw the peins, itachi and deidara trying to find us, itachi looked straight were the other mirror and pointed at it i turned the jutsu off just in time before they can fly through the mirror. 

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