chapter 3

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naru p.o.v 4 years time skip

its been 4 years since i left that prison and i have trained it away, i have a speed build but a medium strength build even for a 12 year old. i'm the summoner for the dragons and when i finished my training with them they gave me a pet dragon he is black and pale blue, has red eyes, can use the element of ice and his name is onyx. right know i'm in the middle of the blood purge and i'm on the rebel side due to my blood lines and thats what the 4th mizukage yagura wants to get rid of all the blood lines in kiri so yea and the fact that my girlfriend mei is the leader of the rebels. yea i'm dating mei. i'm actually battling right know we had decided on a sneak attack but we were caught when they found us and we started battling, our side may have less people but we are stronger. after a few hours of fighting we manage to win the battle not to my surprise the rebel camp was celebrating and getting drunk that includes me. 

2 weeks later 

i have been plaining a prank on yagura like old times before the blood purge began i had been good friends with him, anyway i set bright pink paint bombs in his office don't ask how i managed to get in there but i did so yea. "um hey mei can i tell you something?" i asked "what is it naru?" she asked "well i kinda put bright pink paint bombs in yagura's office" i said and she grew a tic mark "how did you get in there?" she asked pissed because we can never get in "well uh thats kinda a secret" i said nervous she grew more tic marks and i gulped "tell me" she said in a demonic voice "um ok there are secret tunnels all over the mizukage tower and i know my way around them" i said and she sighed "they go off in 3...2..1" boom! they went off the rebels looked and tried to contain their laughter the mizukage tower was bright pink "take that yagura! know you know not to mess with me!" i shouted grinning like a fool as the rebels burst out laughing even aoi was laughing "you and your bloodline friend are gonna pay for this!" i bearly visible pink yagura shouted and we continued laughing mei came up to me "what was the true meaning of this prank?" she asked and i smiled and looked at her "to get rid of the tense vibe right know and for old times sack" i said and she softly smiled at me. me, mei and yagura used to the best of friends but that changed when yagura became mizukage and that hooded figure came "i still think that this is that hooded figures doing" i said and she nodded. i got up and we walked of and went to the main tent and started plaining i am her right hand man i started plaining a way to reveal that the hooded figure is behind this and a way to defeat him or her. the plan was coming along when mei slid down the back of me chair crying "whats up?" i ask "why did this happen its unfair what did we do to deserve this war?" she asked "i honestly don't know but i wish this never happened" i said and she nodded i finished of the plan and showed her "i need about two people for this plan to work" i said and she nodded "take aoi and chojiro with you" she said and i nodded and left to find said to, i found them talking i came up behind them and scared them "boo!" i said they jumped and i laughed "naruto! oh by the way nice prank" aoi said and chojiro nodded i told them about the plan and told them to go pack and meet me at the entrance in half an hour. i headed off and got ready i meet them there and we headed out we got to one of the secret entrances "what are we doing here?" aoi whispered "theres a secret entrance the one i used to put the prank into action" i whispered back we were wearing masks. we entered and looked through the grates we went by. we got to the one above the mizukages office to see yagura and and uchiha talking more like the uchiha placing a new genjutsu on the mizukage who was struggling "stop struggling i do this everyday" the man said i recognised him 'his obito uchiha the fourth hokages dead student what a surprise' i said in a mental link between us the other two nodded and we sat down to watch and video this 'lucky only two other people know about these passages' i said though the mental link 'really? who else?' chojiro said 'yagura himself and mei, we used to be the best of friends until yagura became mizukage and obito came here' i said and the two nodded as we watched, they finished and yagura stopped struggling 'look after my body i'm going into yagura's mind' i said and they nodded and i went in. i found myself inside a ocean cave and i saw the three tails silently crying in his cage i smiled softly but kindly "isobu nice to see you again" i said and he turned to me i took my mask off "naruto thank god save yagura his being controlled" isobu said and i smiled "i already know that and of course i'm gonna help" i said and he smiled "thank you" he said and i went off looking for yagura i heard crying "please help, anyone help me, please" the voice said i smiled softly it was yagura i walked in that direction i hid myself as i saw obito torchering yagura 'yo isobu can you let me use jutsu in here?' i ask through mind "sure take down that sick bastered' he replied and i cracked my knuckles walking into the room, they both stopped and turned to me, even if i'm mei right hand man i am way stronger then her just not cut out to lead an army, "well well well look here" i said yagura recognised my voice "please take the mask of" he said and i sighed and took it off "you messed with the wrong guy" i said and started beating obito up he left the mind scape and so did we.

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