The secret of a Slytherin, oh and demigods blessed by Hecate too

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Draco's P.O.V 

 I was in the forbidden forest, yes that's right I said forbidden forest. Well how else was a Son of Athena supposed to practice sword fighting? Well now you're probably confused aren't you? I guess I should explain


I was practicing in the arena with Annabeth when the conch horn blew. I was only twelve but I had already been at camp for three years. When we got to the pavilion Chiron stood in front of everyone. "There has been a prophecy!",  we all looked at him expectantly. He shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat

"Two children of wisdom

A Son of growth

A son of thieves

A daughter of night

and a brother to one

shall travel to the the grounds of a coming fight

to save the kind

and keep close eye

a godess's help to create 5 spy's

to save the world she herself did rise"

Everyone was whispering frantically, Chiron gulped "The thing is, we know exactly what the prophecy is talking about." Percy Jacksons voice got through the silence, "Really? Now you understand a prophecy?" a sharp elbow to the stomach from Annabeth silenced him. 

Our eyes were brought back to Chiron as a women appeared next to him.

"Thank you Chiron, I will take care of things from here."He nodded and took a step back "Hail Hecate, goddess of Magic" Everyone immediately knelt, some more hesitantly than others. She chuckled "Rise demigods." she made a chair appear and sat down.

  "Years ago I blessed mortals with magic" we all nodded, and some of the older campers gave the newer ones a whispered, rushed version of the story most of us had heard a thousand times. We knew of her 'wizards'. "Their world is in trouble, there is a dark wizard that was said to have died years ago. That is a lie. He made horcruxes, splitting his soul into multiple pieces." Nico stiffened.

" 7, I believe. We need six demigods, two children of Athena, a son of hermes, a son of Demeter, a daughter of Erubes, and a brother of one of them." We all stayed silent, Erubes was the primordial of Darkness, there wouldn't be any children of his here.

    All of the sudden six children in the Hermes much to cramped table glowed black. When the glow faded they where all decked in black clothes and let off an aura of pure darkness.

They looked much more at ease like this and where ecstatic to have been claimed. "Hail children of Erebus, children of darkness" We all bowed as is customary.

     There was only one girl that had been claimed. The brothers all realized this and circled around her protectively. "We just got her, don't take her away" They begged. Hecate smiled sadly "I'll allow one of you to go with her." the oldest spoke up immediately. "I volunteer!" I remember, a brother of one.

     He was rather handsome and had gotten a lot of attention form the girls since he arrived. He protectivley wrapped an arm around his sister who had tears in her eyes.

The secret of a Slytherin, oh and demigods blessed by Hecate tooWhere stories live. Discover now