Petty reasons and Plan Part 2

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Draco's P.O.V

 It was the day after the trio had seen mine and Luna's conversation, and I'd be lying if I said I felt perfectly fine. Sure they left after a while, but what kind of people just sit there and watch something that's obviously supposed to be private?

"Are you ok Drake?" I turned and saw Seamus leaning against a tree near me. I had thought no one would be out here today but I guess I was wrong. I can't say I blame them, there are only so many places were a demigod can have privacy around here.

"Yeah I'm ok, though I have to say the more I see how those three act, the more grateful I am to have been given the character of their enemy" Slightly grateful, slightly.

"They don't think about others, they act like they have the right to now everything about everyone and still keep their own secrets. That cloak was a gift from death itself, I don't think Thanatos would be happy about it being used for such petty reasons" I sneered.

"They don't have many secretes, and it's not like they spread them anywhere. Seriously though, that's an insult to my Uncle. Do you think we should tell him?" I had learned not to appear shocked when the dark siblings came from no where but inside I just about had a heart attack.

"Not yet, that would probably involve our cover getting blown. However when we're done playing character for Hecate we can give him a call" I smirked.

Then I got hit over the head with a really big book.

"Honestly Draco, you look like you're scheming. What did Annabeth always tell us? If your plotting do it in private." Luna laughed as I rubbed the back of my head.

"That's disrespectful of the book" I bit back, trying not to sound like a wounded puppy. She rolled her eyes at me, "Whatever. Its a hard copy I'm sure it will live. Books are strong like that, and so much smarter then people" She sighed dreamily.

I feel like my sister wish's I was a book sometimes.

"Thanks Luna, that means a lot" Seamus joked clutching at his heart in mock pain. We laughed and there was suddenly a rustling in the bush's "So I guess my party invite got lost in the mail?" Nevile shocked as he came out of the bush's smirking.

Seamus rolled his eyes, "No Nev, we just don't like you." Then it was his turn to get hit with a book. 

"You know, I don't have that many brain cells to loose Luna, you could take it easy with that book!" He groaned as we all snickered at him. She hmphed.

"How your siblings stand you I have no idea. Are all Hermes kids just stupid?" I stood up "No!" Then I realized that probably wasn't that good of an idea.

"Ooh right!" Trent smirked, Someone has a crush on -" I stopped him, "I swear  to god if you finish that sentence I will tell Thalia you're pretending to date Allery Green!" He froze and paled. 

"I don't kiss her or anything! We just hold hands and talk. Shes really annoying!" I smirked in triumph. Then he got that look in his eye, like the blackmail you've just used on him is going to go horribly wrong.

"If you do I'll tell her you have a girlfriend named Pansy Parkinson!" All the color drained out of my face.

"No way do I actually want to date that pug! Uhg she's repulsive! Always calling me Dracy poo! And acting like I'm about to shatter." I shuttered in disgust.

"Then we're even." I glared at him. Seamus butt in, "I'd like to get back to you liking one of my sisters, if you don't mind" He said sarcastically.

Trent laughed, "He'd be a good boyfriend, and its not like he'd ever hurt someone." I raised a brow, "Ok well he'd never hurt her. I can't really say anything about the other 99% Of the population..." He trailed off and I rolled my eyes.

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