♡Chapter 6♡-I think you already know the answer.

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Heyyy, it's been so long! I don't even know when the last time I updated was, infact I wasn't even going to update because it's exam time but anyway this chapter is dedicated to AneleMothopeng because it's her birthday today and as a present she wanted an update. xD
So my oreocorns here is one long chapter :)
He walked me inside and locked the door behind him.

"Goodnight Zack." I walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight hayden." He smiled at me.

I smiled as I walked towards my room. Recalling the memories of today.



"If you don't hurry up you're going to have to walk to school!"
Zack shouted out his car window.

"And if I get raped, murdered, get hidden in a bag and get dumped in the ocean it'll be your fault!" I shouted back copying his tone.

I heard a faint laugh which I now know all too well.

I chuckled to myself and locked the door.

"Today still!" Zack shouted again.

"Maybe, but i'm not making any promises." I said as I jogged to his car.

He squinted his eyes at me and I got into the car.


I walked to my locker and as I got closer I started to notice something and made a confused expression appear on my face.

It was a pink note which said:
Meet me during recess, benches.

No name.
I looked around me, left and right to maybe figure out who it was.
I turned my body around fully this time so that my back is to my open locker.
Yet no sight of anyone who could've left it.

I took a look at the paper once more.

Meet me during recess,benches.

The handwriting looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger to it.

It defenitely isn't Blakely. He doesn't write like that. Since we always study together I know how his handwriting looks.

It couldn't be Lilla or Jay, they would've called or something instead.

Not be all weird.

So who?


The bell rang for recess and I was gathering my stuff.

"Hey Hayden." Zack greeted.

"Oh, um hey. Listen I gotta go." I was already running out the class when he put his hand up trying to stop me but I wouldn't, I needed to know who this person was.

I walked until I reached the benches.

I didn't see anyone.

Except one person.

Ughh, there's no one here but Nevla!

Wait- Nevla?

It couldn't be her...

Could it?

"I see you showed up." Nevla said looking at her nails.

For oreo's sake.

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