Chapter Six

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A week.

One whole long week. Eleanor still hasn't left and as much as I love this girl all I want is for her to leave so Austin can get off my tour bus. He hasn't done anything to me but he has a different girl on the bus every night. It's disgusting it's like he has no respect for women. He literally has sex with them then makes them leave. I felt really bad for this on girl because we were behind schedule so we left early and when they finished he left her stranded.

I heard the door open and two figures stepped into the little living room area. Tonight's girl's name is Alice I believe.

"Sorry baby, but my manager doesn't let us allow anyone to stay on the bus." Austin spoke softly pulling her close and wrapping his hands around her waist.

Lies. Lies. Lies. His manager doesn't care whose on the tour bus as long as we have security on the bus with us.

"Aww I'm going to miss you! Make sure you call me okay!"  she said standing on her toes and giving him a soft peck on the cheek.

'Do they not realize I'm right here?' I thought to myself.

" I will don't worry."

Ahh here's my cue. "We already left." I stated sipping at my diet coke.

I watched Austin as his eyebrows came together in confusion. "What do you mean we've left?" he spat" Why wouldn't you tell us."

"I tried but you were to busy with your one night stand to even listen to me!"

"Or maybe your just a bitch and wanted her to become stranded!"

"Why the Hell would I want that!" At this point we were in each other's faces ready to kill each other. And Alice was in the corner with but fear and shock clearly written on her face.

"Because you just jealous!" Austin screamed.

"Jealous? Of what? Trust me honey I can get WAY better."

Austin didn't even anwser he just stormed to the front leaving me in my own rage.

"Wh-What do you mean one night stand?" Alice asked shakily.

Sending her an apologetic look "I'm sorry I should have warned you, you don't look like the type he usually brings home. He usually br-"

"NO! He's right your just jealous! He-he loves me! I know he does!" she cried.

Before I could manage a reply Austin came charging out.

"They stopped the bus, you leave now."

Shock was the only thing that could be seen on Alice's face." What do you mean?

I don't even know where I am!"

"That's not my problem now is it? Now I believe I told you leave."

Now it was my turn to become shocked I've seen girls want to stay but he's never left them in a random place. Alice just gave a weak nod and walked out.

The sound of Taylor Swift's The Moment I Knew broke me out of my backlash.


I smiled at the sight on my best friend's name on my phone.

"Hey Juliet!"

"Hey Abbey. You'll never guess who I met."


"Ed Sheeran!"

"What? No way! How and I thought you didn't like him!"

"Well Stella and Chloe dragged me to his concert and his songs are amazing but as I was tying to leave I got lost and I went through this door that I thought was exit but it was the door to backstage. Then after talking he gave me his number!"

"No way! See I told you guys were going to be together!"

"What! No I just met him but anyways I was suppose to go out with Chloe and Stella but they canceled on me again."

"What!? Ugh I wish I was there with you!"

"Me to but I gotta go I'm going to.go explore so I'll talk to you later. Bye"

"Okay bye!"

Good thing I have a day off today because I'm exhausted! Dragging myself out of bed I headed to the kitchen I saw Austin sitting on the couch, ignoring him I walked over to the counter pouring myself in some captain crunch.

"Are you ever going to talk to me?" I continued to eat my food not caring what he said. "Answer me!" I stayed quiet making him mad as he got up and slammed the door to his bedroom. Flinching at the impact of the door and other wall I looked down feeling bad.

Maybe I should talk to him. Going back on forth with my self I looked up and myself in front of his room.

Might as well just do it now... I can already tell I'll regret this....


Abbey's friend Juliet is the character in FanfictionSwift's closer, go check out her books they are amazing! She's an awesome writer and you won't regret it!(:

Is It Really Meant To Be? (Austin Mahone) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now