Chapter Ten

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I pulled out my curling iron, curling my hair into soft curls and then applying make up to my face. I decided to do a simple Smokey eye and nude lips with a little bit off blush. After being satisfied with my hair and make up I slipped on: knowing Austin would love the color giving me an extra confidence boost. Smiling at my reflection I walked out to see a very nervous Austin sitting on the couch. He was wearing a suit (the one from the muchmusic video awards) giving him a reassuring smile he gently took my hand leading me to the night that awaits.

Happiness went through me as I thought about what the night might hold I could already tell this will be a night I'll always remember...


Nervousness flooded through me for at least the millionth time tonight. I sat across from Austin in some fancy restaurant I've never even heard of before. But by the looks of this place it was definitely expensive. Mentally frowning at the thought of him paying so much on me I came to the conclusion that I was going to pay half no matter what he says.

"Hello my name is Daniel I'll be your server tonight, can I start you off with some drinks." A guy in about his twentys with blondish hair, overall not to bad but reeked off confidence. How do I know? Well the moment he got here he gave Austin the 'Watch me get your girl' smirk and then winked at me.

"Coke." Austin spat from the other side of the table.

"And for the beautiful lady?" he asked with a wink.

"Um I'll have a sprite." I told him politely.

"Of course anything." he said with another wink at the end of his sentence. Like seriously is there something wrong with his eye? I swear he winks after everything he says!

"God he's annoying." I stated trying to get Austin to calm down a little. Currently he gripping the table to the point his knuckles are almost white as paper, he face was so red he looks like a tomato, bottom line he is pissed.

Slowly reaching across the table I grabbed his hand opening it cautiously to allow blood to flow freely through his hands once again.

Aggressively Austin stood up grabbing my arm in the process dragging me towards a room in the back. His grip on my arm tightened cutting off all circulation to my fingers.

"Austin your hurting me!" I cried softly feeling useless against his strength. Pulling my arm and failing once again I realized we were in the room I was being dragged towards moments ago.

Feeling my back collide with the wall after being shoved forcefully Austin soon pinned me against the wall with his arms on either sides of my head. Bringing his head towards my neck he kissed and sucked before carefully nibbling my earlobe. My breath hitched my throat and his raspy voice whispered "Your mine, shawty."

Pressing his lips against mine I soon felt his tongue graze across my bottom lip, denying him access I kept my lips pressed firmly together. Clearly not agreeing, Austin trailed his hand down my side before firmly squeezing my butt, taking advantage of the gasp he knew was about to happen he shoved his tongue into my mouth. Not leaving an inch unexplored.

As he pulled away I could make out the smirk etched into his face. Getting hold of my arm once again, much softer might I add he led me back towards the table, arriving at the same time as the waiter with our drinks.

"Here you go!" he stated setting down proper drinks in front of us. "Do you know what you want to eat?"

After writing down our orders he ripped off a page from his notebook and slid it over to me. Confusion went through but was soon replaced by curiosity causing me to flip it over. I could only make out the first three numbers before in was snatched out my hand and thrown in the warriors face.

Looking up my eyes found that Austin was face - to - face with what's his name, Daniel? Before a word could be stated Austin's right first connected with whatever his name is's left side of his jaw.

Somehow managing to find my voice I yelled a quick "Austin stop!" before inserting myself between the two.


That's all I felt shoot threw my side. Looking up at Austin I saw anger clear on his face glaring in the opposite direction. Confusion went through, was he not the person who hit me?

Swiftly turning my head I met the sorrowful eyes of the person who was only taking our orders not even 15 minutes ago.

Realization settled in once the fact came clear that he was the one who hit me.

"I-I'm s-so--" he started before getting cut off my Austin's fist once again with his jaw with a crunching sounding immediately following afterwards.

Whimpering in pain as I was pulled to stand behind Austin before he hauled Daniel up by his shirt and slamming him against the wall. Wincing at the sound of his back hitting the wall I just made out of Austin threats "If you ever lay a finger on her or even think about it I won't hesitant to kill you."

Dropping him to the ground he swiftly turned around and softly gripping my forearm and leading me out the restaurant.

Opening the door to his red Range Rover I climbed in bracing myself to have Austin blow up.


We drove in pure silence until we met up with the bus. And no not the sweet, cute comfortable silence, no this was the boring, uncomfortable awkward silence.

Fumbling with my seatbelt I groaned with the relization that I am way to tired to even open my eyes. Hearing my door open I felt hands soon go under my back and another under my thighs.

I have no idea how we got in so fast but I felt my back collided with the memory foam of what I'm guessing is Austin's bed. Moaning at how amazing the bed felt after all the stress from the restaurant I felt sleep creaping closer. (Shout out to FanfictionSwift!(:)

Austin must of thought I was already asleep because I felt his lips softly press against my head before whispering "Good night baby girl I'll always keep you safe."

Sleep caught up with me pulling me under but leaving the smile etched on my face.

Austin's P.O.V.~

I shouldn't be feeling this! I shouldn't care about if she gets hurt, or how she feels! It shouldn't matter to me! It wasent supposed to turn out like this, I'm not suppose to care!

It was only suppose to be a bet.

Taking one last glance towards the beautiful girl sleeping on my bed I pressed my lips to the top of her head before quietly stating "Goodnight baby girl I'll always keep you safe." before drifting off to a dreamless sleep.


Sorry for the long wait I've been editing the other chapters and didn't realize how much time has passed!):

Anyways I hope you like the update!




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Love you guys!


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