Chapter Eleven

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Abbey's P.O.V ~

Waking up to the sun kissing my face I needed a minute before the previous night flooded my mind.

Oh no my face!

Now I'm not one of those girls who throw a huge fit over a broken nail or whatever but my face! Let me just remind you that I have an annoying swarm of paparazzi following me 24/7 and I don't want to be on every entertainment news show because of a bruise.

Taking a deep breath before opening my eyes they met a huge, disgusting blueish-purplish bruise resting on my right check. I've been in of a Hell of a lot of fights but this is by far the worse burise I've ever received.

Slowy my hand crept up slightly grazing over the swollen skin but I flinched back the second contact occurred. 'Damn that hurts' I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry.." a voice suddenly rang out causing me to become startled. I swear I probably jumped at least five feet.

Before I could make out a word the voice, who I soon identified as Austin, pulled me in wrapping me in a warm hug.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let him even come near you! This is all my fault! I can't believe I was so stupid! I --" Austin rambled causing small chuckles to emerge from me.


"--Can't believe I was stupid en--"


"--ough to let him come near you!"

"Austin shut up!" I yelled as he looked down at me with confusion etched on his face.


"No buts! Just listen. It wasn't your fault. You weren't even the one who hit me so atop apologizing already!" I stated wincing at the mention of the previous nights events.

"I'm so- I mean okay.." he breathed out unconvinced.


Currently we are practicing for tonight's show and the nerves were settling in again. I haven't seen Austin since this morning and I'm scared that he's avoiding me.

Finishing up my last song I made my way backstage to get ready for the show but before i could make it I caught a glimpse of Austin climbing onstage.

I watched as he effortlessly performed before coming my way.

Wait! Coming my way? Swiftly I turned around and scrambled to my dressing room.

Slamming the door closed I quickly sat down taking deep breaths trying to calm myself.

I don't even know why I ran but it just felt right in the moment. 'Please don't follow me!' I thought to myself but with my luck of course the sound of three soft knocks followed.

"I-It's open!" I called out hoping that anyone else but Austin to walk through that door.

It felt like hours before door silently slid across the floor, mocking me. Quickly looking down in hopes of when I look up again it would only have been my imagination playing tricks on me.

"Look at me." a firm and demanding voice rung out. My breath hitched in my throat as I immediately recognized the voice to be Austin.

Slowly raising my gaze to reach those hazel eyes the were watching me from across the table not even ten hours ago. His face was hard absolutely no emotion could be read on his face.

His gaze slowly made their way to the now caked with makeup cheek that holds the hideous bruise that only we know of making his gaze falter. But that only lasted a second. Not even a second, only half a second before that stupid smirk covered his face again.

"You did amazing up there baby." he complimented.

"Don't call me baby." I hissed.

"And why not... baby?" he asked keeping that smirk plastered on his face.

"Because that's something couples call each other and we are clearly not dating!" I responded, groaning in frustration. Why does he love to annoy me?

I became surprised that he didn't respond straight away, instead we just stood staring at each other.

Taking long strides across the room he soon reached me pinning me against the door. Dropping his head next to my ear he whispered "I will call you what ever I want to call you. Your mine and no one else's okay baby?"

Shivering at his statement I couldn't bring myself to respond. All I could was open my mouth but the words refused to come out. Smirking at my response he dipped his head once again bringing his lips to the base of my neck.

He softly grabbed my hips while simultaneously leaving butterfly kisses along my neck my breath hitched once he found my sweet spot. Sucking lighting at the skin I felt his tongue flick out of his mouth connecting with my skin causing me to bite my lip holding in the moans threatening to break out.

Feeling his teeth softly nip the sensitive skin causing both pleasure with a little but of pain. A loud moan slipped through causing Austin to smirk against my skin and his grip on my hips to slightly tighten.

Feeling his tongue flicker once again against the now broken skin he pushed off the wall before taking long confident strides across the room. Giving me a final smirk and stating "Your mine." before exiting the room completely leaving stunned against the wall.

Bringing my head to where Austin's lips were not even a minute ago flinching at the contact.

Slowly walking across the room towards the mirror I were nervous to see how much damage has been done. Manning up I took a deep breath and decided to just get it over with.

Oh My God...

My eyes met the hickey Austin made. I'm going to need a bottle of foundation to cover this thing...

I can't even believe his attitude though, I swear this kid is bipolar. One minute he's avoiding me then he's go me pressed against the wall marking me.

This is all just a game to him.

None of this means anything.

I'm just a piece in his game.

And if he wants to play...

I'm ready to play...


I have a lot planned that's coming up soon! So just hang in there.

But anyways




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The last thing I want to say is thank you to everyone who's reading and voting! Thank you for getting me to over 200 votes.

Anyways always smile because it's the best thing you could ever wear!(:


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