Chapter Eight

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Author's Note:
Hi guys! Thanks for following the story so far :) so anyway, I'll be updating as often as possible which is maybe every two to four days depending on my laziness hahaha. For this chapter, I can only post the first part for now since this is what I've written so far. I'm going on a 10-day trip to visit my grandfather so I might not be able to update as soon as possible but I'll be sure to keep you guys posted :) enjoy the chapter! Let me know what you guys think in the comments below :)
UPDATE: I found some free time and I was able to finish the chapter :) enjoy!


As he surfaced at the beach, the Prince immediately started walking up the shore....and immediately collapsed onto the sand. Ow....what? He tried to get up and fell back down again. What in the name of Neptune... Looking around, he could not see what was wrong. His eye caught an aqua-green tail flopped behind him. Is there another ichthyan here? Finally, after a few moments of confusion, the answer hit him. I am not a smart person, he thought as he changed his aqua-green tail into long, scale-covered legs. As he got up, he looked around to see if there was anyone else around. Thankfully, only the seagulls and the crabs were witness to the Prince's...slowness. He brushed himself off and started walking. Rumors he had heard from his last visit two weeks ago said that there was a small band of mercenaries in the mainland looking to fight monsters. The famous Captain Mirafuentes was rumored to have started the band, and in the two weeks that she had started recruiting members, she had already gained the company of the legendary duo of the arena: the King of the Arena and the Melee Queen, along with two others that the Prince had not heard of. All he had heard about the other two was that one of them was the apprentice of the Great Witch Melisandre and the other was a top student of the Ars Arcanum Academe.

The Prince was impressed by the members that the captain commanded. The King and Queen were legendary fighters that hailed from the mainland. They had quickly gained a strong reputation as two of the best fighters in the history of the mainland. In only ten matches, the two had risen to the top of the rankings, and the King presented the famed Lion's Mane as a symbol of his power. In those ten matches, neither fighter had lost their footing or even seen any challenge. When the two fought, they dominated the arena. That was how powerful the two were. The Prince may not have known who the other two were individually, but he had heard enough about the Great Witch Melisandre and the Ars Arcanum Academe to know that the two were the creme of the crop.

After a while, he realized that he had been walking around the beach with no clear destination in mind. Finally, he decided to head to the mainland to see if he could find out anything about the mercenaries.

Upon arriving at the mainland, he immediately saw a throng of people heading towards a large building over 50 feet tall. Curious, he walked with them until he could not contain his curiosity anymore. He turned to a couple that was walking beside him.

"Excuse me, sir? Um, what's happening? Why is everyone going there?" the Prince said, pointing to the building.

The man was big and bald, with warm brown skin that made him appear African-American and a gruff beard that covered the lower part of his face. He chuckled heartily, and in a deep, booming voice, he answered, "Well, only the greatest fighters in history are coming to fight in the Lion's Mane today. You wouldn't want to miss the King of the Arena and the Melee Queen beating up everyone in the arena," he winked as he laughed some more. The girl laughed and playfully swatted him. "Blakey! Don't say that! He might end up not wanting to go. He does look like a soft one," she said. With fiery red hair and freckles scattered across her face, she looked like the typical "ginger." Her green glasses perfectly complemented the fire in her hair. She looked at the Prince and said, "So sonny, are you gonna come watch? Let me tell you first though, those guys are
sa-vage. One time the King..."

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