Chapter Six

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Christine met her best friend in their usual meeting place, a large clearing in the forest near the outskirts of town where a big oak tree stood sentinel. The clearing was a large open space surrounded by hundreds of tall, thick trees that provided ample concealment, perfect for a fight. It was where the two had their weekly meetups and spars to polish their technique. The Witch stood at the edge of the clearing and watched Justin. The young wizard was creating patterns of fire in the air and just as quickly making them vanish. He had been here for quite some time, Christine observed. His skin was covered with a light sheen of sweat as he danced around, whipping streaks of flame from his fists. When he finally noticed Christine, he abruptly stopped and went to her.

"Finally! I was beginning to think that you wouldn't come. I've been practicing my Pyros a lot these days and I want to test it out against a worthy opponent. Let's fight!" Justin said excitedly.

The Witch smiled. It was good to see that her best friend was still the same. She could see the fire in his eyes, the intensity with which he looked at her, the eagerness that he could barely contain at the thought of a fight. This is going to be a good one, she thought.

"Well, take your place then, Sparky," said the Witch, using the nickname that irked him so. "Let us see if you have the skill to back up your bluster."

Justin looked surprised. "Oh, so we're doing those now?" He smiled. "I very much do 'have the skill to back up my bluster.' You'll see, Hexy," he mocked as he ran to the middle of the clearing.

Christine laughed as she joined the Wizard. As time passed, so did the atmosphere of lightheartedness. Starting now until the end of the battle, they were opponents. They watched each other warily, waiting for the other to make the first move. Justin finally gave in, jumping into a roundhouse kick that sent a blazing coil of fire at Christine at blinding speed. Caught by surprise, the Witch lost precious time in leaping for safety and stumbled when she landed, and by the time she had regained her footing, the Wizard was already halfway to her. He set his arms ablaze and put on a burst of speed. Cursing, Christine barely had time to put up her arms to block the Wizard's savage attack. She was getting careless. Pay attention, she berated herself.

Justin leapt away from her, grinning cockily. "What's the matter, Hexy? Too much bluster for you?"

If he was trying to psych her out, it was not working. "Oh please, Sparky. We both know that I am going to win this match," she replied coolly. "Acerbus!" she shouted. The flames that had caught on the grass instantly turned purple. She flung them at the Wizard with a flick of the wrist.

Justin's eyes widened at the sight of fire coming at him. Usually he was on the other end of the flame. He summoned a blast of fire and shot it at the incoming darkfire. The flames went up in a huge fireball. Sensing her chance, the Witch dashed towards the Wizard to press her advantage. Belatedly, she realized that Justin had the same idea. In a match of hand-to-hand combat, he would win every time. Anticipating an attack, she cast a defensive spell, "Mercuta verditis!" that put up a half dome of dark magic over the user. Sure enough, the young wizard emerged from the fireball with burning fists. Unfazed, he leapt off of the barrier and created a hammer with his fists. As he reached the peak of his jump, gravity took over and carried him straight down to where the Witch stood watching. The force of the blow made Christine stagger back, nearly falling. Footing lost twice in one battle? What is wrong with me? Or has the Wizard just gotten better? Christine thought. She had to admit, Justin was much faster than the last time they fought. He was more skilled, more careful, and she saw a newfound confidence in him that made him a far more dangerous opponent.

The Witch retreated until a considerable distance lay between her and the Wizard. She knew that she had to think of a new plan, something that she had not done before, in order to win the battle. Far away, Justin smiled almost lazily. "Had enough?" he called out.

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