Chapter Two

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The Gentleman Assassin sat quietly on a tree branch. His target, Royce Bernard, was walking towards his living room in a blue nightgown, holding a cup of coffee. The rich CEO of a well-known airline company, Bernard's house was massive, with numerous floors and mansion-like architecture. Painted a bright yellow, it was a stark contrast to the small, dull apartments lining its sides. Even the windows through which the Assassin was looking were gold-plated and lined with silver engravings. He shifted his attention back to his target, who had since finished his coffee and started reading a newspaper while reclining on an easy chair. He was an old man, balding and potbellied with a constant scowl on his face. He took pride in his gray mustache, stroking it absentmindedly while reading and muttering to himself. Now's as good a time to make my move as any other, the Assassin thought.

An hour had passed since he first started observing and noting his next victim's actions. He swung himself over the branches, slowly bouncing to wake his legs up. Thinking back to the meeting with his client, the Assassin hoisted himself up to the house's roof. Bernard was his company's top rival, his client had said. He wanted him gone to further expand his own business. The Assassin had asked no questions, except how much coin would be paid to him. His client assured him that no expense would be spared in the assassination of Royce Bernard.

On the rooftop, he considered several possible entrances before finally deciding on the window to the bedroom beside the living room. Using his dagger, the Assassin quickly and noiselessly opened the window, entering the house without raising alarm. He wore a simple black shirt and slacks with soft leather shoes to mask his footsteps. Slowly and silently, he crept into the living room where Bernard sat unaware of what was about to happen. The Assassin flicked the top of his gentleman's cane. A dagger was hidden in the handle, and he skillfully flipped it between his fingers in anticipation. The rest of his cane hid a blade that he quickly turned into a scythe-like weapon. Without warning, the Gentleman Assassin struck. With a flash of his blades, Royce Bernard was dead. Confident in his own abilities, the Assassin smiled at the gruesome sight before him. Bernard's lifeless eyes were wide open, mouth torn and bloody. Blood was splattered all over his clothes, the rich red color soaking in and mixing with the deep blue of his nightgown. His blades had nearly decapitated the old man, and his vocal cords hung out of his neck. Remembering his client's odd request, he ripped them out and stuffed them in a plastic bag, putting it inside his pocket. The Gentleman Assassin took on any job detail, no matter how dangerous or ridiculous. One only needed to pay the perfect amount.


The following morning, the Assassin reverted back to his daytime persona, the Gentleman. His business, Games for a Gent, flourished due to the laid-back lifestyle of the common Londoner. Expanding to two floors since its reopening, Games for a Gent had numerous game titles for console and PC alike, including Fallout, Borderlands, and the Gentleman's personal favorite, Assassin's Creed. It was filled with adults and children looking for the perfect game to enjoy.

The Gentleman was roaming around the store, assisting customers with the merchandise, when suddenly, a scream pierced through the air. Glass broke as a horde of small, dog-like creatures shattered through the store window. Swift and strong, the creatures had shaggy gray fur covering their bodies. The fur stuck to their bodies as they ran, allowing the creatures to become quick and streamlined. They had no tail; instead, the fur extended all the way to the backside. Long, sharp claws gleamed in the light as they pawed the ground in bloodlust. Their most unsettling feature was their eyes; or more accurately, their lack thereof. Where eyes should have been, on their faces were two hollow indentations. The frontmost creature howled, and the rest of the pack started attacking the store customers. Chaos broke out. People ran everywhere, frantically trying to look for the nearest exit. The creatures ripped into everything in sight with their razor sharp fangs and gleaming claws. The Gentleman cursed. It was time to become Assassin once more.

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