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AU- They're in High school, they're together. Simon's a geek and Lachlan's the complete opposite, he's extremely over protective. 


Simon's POV - He's in class

"Are we going out for lunch?" Preston asked 

"I really can't be bothered, I'd rather just stay in but you can go out if you want"

"It's fine, I'll just stay in with you and the others"

I didn't say anything back, I just continued to draw in my notebook. It was a free period and whilst every other person in the class went on Facebook, snapchat and instagram I preferred to listen to music and draw. 

"What's Lachlan in?" 

"He's in Spanish so we've to wait here for him, Lewis and Josh and we'll get the others downstairs" 

"How long has it been since you and Lachlan have been together?" 

"7 months and 2 weeks" 

"I still think you two are a weird couple, cute but weird"


I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings, I was too focused on my notebook until a scrunched up piece of paper got threw on to mine and Preston's desk. Preston picked it and straightened it out before handing me it, someone had written "GAYBOY" on it so it was definitely meant for me. 

"Who do you think threw it?"

"Who do you think. It was obviously JJ or Mitch" I said before scrunching the paper back up and throwing it on the floor 

"Are you ever going to tell Lachlan about them, they abuse you everyday"

"They don't abuse me they just call me names and push me and every chance they get, I'm not telling Lachlan he'll beat the shit out of them both"

"So, at least they'll leave you alone" 

I went to reply but the teacher called on us for something, "Simon, Preston can you go collect something for me at the office, just go down and say to one of the office people that you're there to get something for Mrs Semple"

Preston stood up, "Come on"

"Wait, I'm putting this in my bag" I replied as I shoved my notepad into my bag on the back of my chair, not bothering to close it before standing up , "Okay let's go" 

We left the class and went down to the office before collecting, what looked like letters before returning back to class. 

"Here" I said putting them down on her desk 

"Thanks boys" She smiled , "Okay everyone start packing your things away the bells about to go"

I took my bag from my chair, I zipped it up properly before waiting for the bell.

*Skipp to Lunch*

We were all sitting at a table, Lachlan and his friends and me with mines, I liked Lachlan's mates they accepted me and they accepted my mates as well. I took off my bag and sat it on the table, opening it to get my notebook out but I couldn't find it, I rummaged threw everything but it wasn't there, I emptied my full bag out, it was no where to bee seen. 

"Simon, what you looking for?" Lewis asked

"My notebook but it's not here"

"You put it in there in English though?" Preston said

"I know that, someone must have taken it"

"What do you mean someone's taken it?" Lachlan asked

"What do you think I mean, it couldn't have fallen out so someone's went into my bag and took it out"

"Probably JJ or Mitch" Preston added

"Why would either of them take it?" Lachlan asked

"Because they've been abusing Simon for months and today the threw a piece of paper on our desk with Gayboy written on it and they're the only people in that class that dislike him"

"Preston, I told you not to say anything"

"Simon, why the fuck didn't you tell me, I could've made them stop. I'm gonna beat the shit out of them"

"Lachlan calm down" Josh said 

"This is why I didn't say anything because I knew you would lose it" 

"You should have told me Simon. I'm gonna go get your notebook back" He said standing up 

"Lachlan just leave it, it doesn't matter" I said attempting to make him calm but he never listened, he just walked away 

"Fuck sake, we better go after him" Josh said standing up, I got up and followed him 

I hated when Lachlan got angry like this for no reason, I know he's just being protective but sometimes he's over protective and it's annoying. Situations like this usually ended with Josh pulling Lachlan off someone and me needing to calm him down. 

By the time we found Lachlan outside he'd already found JJ and Mitch. Me and Josh ran over to him, he had JJ by the collar of his shirt whilst Mitch just stood there, "Lachlan let go of him" I said 

"Not until, he tells me where the fuck your notebook is" 

"I told you I don't have it, you psychopath" JJ said 

Lachlan pushed him against the wall, smacking his back, "Give him his notebook back" 

"I don't have it" 

Lachlan clenched his other fist and lifted it just as he was about to punch JJ, Mitch shouted, "Wait. Here you can have it back" before going into his bag and handing it to me, "I'm sorry, it was just a joke"

Lachlan let go of JJ and he ran off with Mitch, "I told you I would get it back"

"Lachlan you can't keep doing this, you can't just threaten and beat up everyone that annoys me or does me wrong" 

"He's right mate, you need to learn to control your anger" Josh added

"I'm sorry okay but I don't know what else to do when people treat you like this, I fucking hate it when people do that sort of shit, next time I'll just let them get away with taking the piss out of you"

"Lachlan that't not what I'm saying, next time just speak to them instead of threatening them and pinning them against a wall"  

"It's hard not to get anger over little things and get over protective when I love you so fucking much"

"Did...did you just say you love me?"

"I think so?" 

I threw my arms around him, bringing him into a tight hug, "I love you too, you massive psycho" 

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