4) Stay Clear

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Braevino POV....

"I'm not transferring schools this late in the semester forget it" I said slamming the car door. I got out of my grandpa car and walked into school. I wasn't trying to leave my school right now. I got Mitchell there and it's something about him that makes me feel something I never felt.

It's like a sense of peace but danger at the same time. It's weird if you think about it. I'm not leaving my school I got friends there too so I'm staying. I can't move when I'm doing good in the school I'm in. I'm passing all my classes with either an A, B or C. The C only came from my chemistry class because my teacher is a bitch.

My grandpa wants me to transfer and I'm not going for it. I'm dismissing whatever he's saying because it's idiotic and down right dumb. I went to the bathroom and stood in the mirror and saw my face changing. I was growing facial hair and I hated it. I never wanted facial hair because it wouldn't look right on me.

I brushed my hair and the bathroom door opened. "Hey Brae you alright after a few days ago" Mari said standing next to me. I looked at him and gave a weak smile. I wasn't feeling all that well today and didn't want to be here. I haven't been to school in a couple days because my grandpa was in full panic mode.

However I convinced him to let me come to school today. I couldn't let him mess up my grades. "I'm fine my grandpa is sick so I had to help him out"I said grabbing my bag off the floor. I bent down and my head was hurting again. "Ahhhh shit" I groaned out in pain. This shit hurt like a bitch. It's like I was getting stabbed in my head.

Mari grabbed me and I was losing consciousness slowly. I just saw his face then when I saw Mitchell rush in I was out of it. I opened my eyes and I was in the middle of the woods. I was sitting against the tree that I marked as my own. I heard voices around me and I knew one was Mitchell.

I stood up slowly and walked ahead towards the hole in the middle of the forest. I walked to the bushes and stopped as I saw Mitchell standing in the hole with a group of men. They looked like they were having a serious conversation and Mitchell looked pissed off.

"Leave that damn boy alone it's your fault he's linked to us now" the biggest one said. Mitchell looked at him with anger but like he was backing down. "What do you want me to do?" Mitchell said hanging his head lowly. I sat back and watched in fear as I was scared to hear what the man would say.

I hid behind the bushes and looked on quietly. I made sure I didn't make any sudden noises to give away where I was. "Get rid of him" he said growling. Mitchell's head shot up in shock and I gasped. I saw their head turn towards where I was. They spotted me and I heard growls coming from them.

"Looks like I'll do it myself" the buff one said starting to run. I started running back towards the seemingly never ending forest. I ran and ran because I heard growls and howls come from all around me. I was getting scared and I felt the wind brush past me and bodies coming from all around me.

I stopped when a figure appeared in front of me. I was backing away when the growling intensified. I backed up into a tree and started praying. The growling stopped and then I saw white eyes in front of me and the outline of an animal. "Mitchell?" I asked whispering. I started crying and saw a wolf lunge at me. I screamed and I kept screaming as I opened my eyes.

I was in the nurses office with Mari next to me. "Calm down Brae baby chill you good I'm here" he said rubbing my arm. I moved it away from him because I was really shook by that nightmare. I didn't want to be touched by anybody.

"I'm sorry I just had a bad dream and I'm kind of shook" I said uneasily sitting up. He nodded and told me he would go get the nurse to come back in. He walked out and I rubbed my eyes and got nervous for some reason.
The nurse came back in with Mari. "Hi Mr. Simms you gave us quite a scare for awhile but let me check you out and you can go home when your grandpa gets here" she said taking out the blood pressure pump. She took my blood pressure and took my temperature.

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