Chapter 5

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Sasuke's Pov

As Naruko and I walked to Ichiraku Ramen, she often stopped and smelled the flowers, or when the wind picked up speed, she would stop and let it blow her hair back. She was a ray of sunshine full of happiness and always finding the positive things, even in the worst situation.

I looked over to my side and saw her closing her eyes and smiling while the sun lit up her facial features.

"Does that feel good or something," she flinched and punched me in the side of my arm.

"Hear that teme, it's the sound of broken concentration," she glared at me while putting her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and flicked her nose. She jumped back and held her nose in pain, while little tears stung the corners of her eyes.

"Concentrating on what," she smiled at me and threw her hands out, causing an aching feeling in my chest. I widened my eyes as I was expecting her to actually say something amazing for once.

"Nature," my face dropped and I sighed. She grabbed me by my collar and pointed her finger in my face.

"Don't think I'm some wishy washy little girl. If you think I'm doing this just to look cute, your wrong Uchiha. I'm doing this to prepare myself for training. I'm still Naruto and don't you ever forget that," Naruko let me go and continued to concentrate on 'nature'. I smirked and decided that I would help her concentrate on nature.

I ran over to her and picked her up in a bridal style. She shrieked and tried to get out of my grasp. I smiled an jumped on top of a building and ran across to the next. She grabbed onto my neck and held on for dear life.

"Sasuke! Stooop!," she buried her face into my chest and tightened her grip around my neck. She looked pretty scared, but who wouldn't be, I am the fastest ninja in Kohona after all. I sighed and slowed down a bit, just enough so that she could hear me talking.

"Naruko open your eyes," she shook her head and squinched her eyes shut.

"No you stupid teme. Your going to drop me," I rolled my eyes and completely stopped.

"I promise I won't drop you. Why do you think that anyways," she blushed and opened one of her big blue eyes.

"B-Because I'm...,'she shook her head and adverted her eyes from my intense glare.

"Because your what Naruko," she blushed an even brighter shade of red and gulped.

"Well it's because I'm fat and I weigh a lot more than what I use to," my face dropped and I made an 'are you kidding me expression'.

"Naruko your not fat and of course you weigh more than what you use to. Your older now after all. Plus if you where I could just carry you using chakra," I winked at her and she turned her head and pouted.

"Jeez teme I'm not that fat," I chuckled and she crossed her arms.

"This time don't close your eyes," I took off running and she listened to my orders. She had her eyes open and her long blonde hair was dancing along with the wind.

"Wow Sasuke this is amazing," she closed her eyes and smiled, which
made a ting of happiness run through my chest. I smiled and landed on top of Ichiaruku Ramen's roof. Naruko jumped out of my arms and leaped off the roof. I smiled and followed behind her.

She ran into the restaurant and sat down excitedly. I smiled and took a seat next to her. She ordered the usual and I just got a drink only because I wasn't fond of ramen.

She ate and ate and ate, while I tried to figure out how her stomach held it all. After her final bowl, she stood up and gave me a hug. I felt my face heat up and I willed myself to make it go away.

"Thank you Sasuke, for taking me out for ramen. I'm stuffed," I nodded and stood up as well.

"What are friends for besides, it was a thank you gift," she smiled and nodded her head.

"Sasuke do you still think of me as your best friend even though I'm a girl now," she looked up at me and had a look of sadness on her face. What kind of answer did she want? Of course I thought of her as my best friend. She's still Naruto, a boy in a different body.

"I do, your Naruto and nothing will ever change that," she smiled and walked out of the restaurant, so I followed.

"I'm happy I thought you would think of me as annoying or a nuisance," I shook my head and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Trust me dobe, you are very annoyed," she jerked back and punched me in the face.

"Stupid jerk," I laughed and pulled one of her hair ties out.

"What was that, I mean a jerk wouldn't fix your hair for you," she crossed her arms and puffed out her lips.

"Teme please fix my hair back," I nodded my head and smiled.

"Of course I will"


Another short chapter. Sorry about that writing feels like homework to me sometimes, but I still love to do it. I figured it was better than not updating at all. Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!

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