#9)-The Greenie{Thomas}

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You were working in the garden, planting vegetables in the Glade when the familiar alarm sounded, bouncing off the tall stone walls.

'Right on time...' you thought as you gently laid the shovel you were using down on the ground. You walked beside your close friend, Newt, to the Box, pushing to the front of the large group that had come together just as the Box's door began to open.

A confused looking boy squinted at the sudden light as you let out a small sigh. Every time a new Glader came up in the box, you silently wished for another girl. You had been the only girl sent up in the first group of Gladers and there hadn't been any others ever since. The running joke among the boys was that the Creators thought they'd need a good, strong woman to whip the Gladers into shape.

The boy's eyes darted around, taking in the many faces staring down on him. Quickly, a few boys reached down and pulled him out of the Box.

"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie." Newt said to the boy. "What's your name?"

"T-Thomas..." he said. "W-Where am I?"

"We'll get to that. For now, (Y/N) is gonna help you get settled and show you around." Newt explained to Thomas.

"Wait, what?"you muttered to Newt so the Greenie couldn't hear. Showing the Greenies around was never a job assigned to you.

"I was gonna get Chuck to do it, but he's busy, Alby is working with Minho today, and I've got to see to the planting." Newt said quietly, turning to you. Any tasks that Alby or Newt weren't able to tend to usually were given to you. You were basically the unofficial "third in command" of the Glade. "Just-- please?" he asked with a pleading look in his eyes.

You nodded and Newt patted your shoulder as he walked back to the gardens. All the other Gladers began to slowly spread out, returning to their assignments.

"Well, Thomas..." you said, smiling at the newest addition to the Glade. "Let's go."

You led Thomas around the entire Glade, telling him the rules and the basics of the square, walled structure that housed you and everyone else.

"So... are you the only girl here?" Thomas asked after you'd finished giving him the Tour.

"Um, yeah. I am." you smiled at him. This boy was different from all the other Greenies. He was... brave. Curious. And he gave you a feeing that you'd never felt before. He made you truly happy, something that only Newt was able to do. But this was a different kind of happiness. This happiness made your heart race a little faster, made you smile a little more. You thought you remembered the word for this from your life before the Glade.


"I feel like that would be a little awkward..." Thomas trailed off, smiling sweetly at you.

"It probably could have been, but when we first got here, we didn't have the time to think about the awkwardness of the situation. We had to establish order and worry about surviving. And once we had a sort of community going, it didn't really matter." He nodded.

Frypan started yelling to call everyone to dinner.

"Sounds like supper's ready." you said, stuffing your hands in your pockets. "Fancy a bite?"

"I'm starving." Thomas laughed. "Let's go"


Well, there's my first Thomas imagine!! I hope you enjoyed it!! Please, please, please send in some requests!! I'd love to hear your ideas!

As always, thanks for reading!!

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now