#15)-Concert Tickets

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Just so you know, (y/f/b) means your favorite band!


You sat on your couch, computer on your lap, with the TV turned on as background noise. You'd thrown on your sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt and put your hair up in a messy bun upon returning home from work. You currently were groaning at your computer, mentally cursing yourself for not paying for faster internet. You had been trying for months now to get tickets to the concert downtown, where (y/f/b) would be playing. You had been unable to buy tickets before the show was sold out, but you'd been scouring eBay and other sites, praying someone would sell them there.

You gasped as you saw it:

"Two front row VIP tickets to the (y/f/b) Concert"

You clicked on the link as fast as possible, begging your internet to speed up. Once you had opened the page, you clicked the button to buy it.

Sorry, this item is no longer available.

Someone had gotten to it before you.

"UGH!!!" you groaned, tossing your computer to the cushion next to you as you stood up and wandered to the kitchen. You grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket on the counter and bit into it.

You'd been trying to go to a (y/f/b) concert since they got together, and you'd thought this was your chance. They were going to be downtown in the city you lived in! how could it have been any more perfect? Yet, no. You couldn't find a way to get there.

"Hey..." Dylan said, trailing off when he saw the frustrated look on your face. Being lost in your own thoughts, you hadn't heard him unlock and come in through the front door. "What's up?" he asked pulling you into a hug.

"Just frustrated." you said, wrapping your arms around his back.

"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" he pulled away, looking at your face.

"Well, I was trying to get tickets to that stupid concert downtown, but some jerk got to them before me." you sighed.

"Well, what if we went, anyway?"

"What?" you asked, bewildered. "Dylan, we can't just waltz into a concert without tickets!"

"When then what if we did the tango?" he joked.

"Oh my word..." you said, pushing him away from you. "That is, quite possibly, the worst joke I've ever heard."

"Okay, but really," he said, fishing in his back pocket, "We should go." He pulled out two tickets and held them out to you.

"Are you serious??" you shrieked, snatching the tickets from Dylan's hands and examining them. 2 VIP, front row seats. "DYLAN!!" You leapt into his arms, jumping up and down. "Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!"

"You're welcome." he beamed, setting you down. "Now, go get ready, we've gotta go to dinner first!"

You squealed running back to your bedroom, unable to contain your excitement for the night ahead.


Double update today!!! I just randomly thought of this idea after uploading the last imagine, so I thought, why not get it out there!! I hope you guys liked it!

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Love you guys!!

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