#12)-Paradise{Thomas; Requested}

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This imagine was requested by dobismypickle


Go! Go!" Thomas yelled as you stumbled thought the FlatTrans, looking back to where Teresa had been crushed by the collapsing building. She had been your only female friend in the Glade and the two of you had always stuck together. Yeah, she betrayed the Gladers, but that didn't mean you hated her.

And then Newt, your best friend, had been killed. The one who had welcomed you to the Glade, helped you settle in, and comforted you during the hard times.

You were snapped from you thoughts by your body jerking as Thomas tackled you through the FlatTrans just before you were both crushed by the collapsing building.

You both crashed onto the floor on the other side, Thomas catching himself with his arms before falling on you. You both watched, panting as the FlatTrans closed just after you came through. Thomas fell on his back next to you, breathing hard.

"Sorry..." he panted. "I didn't want to tackle you, but I also didn't want either of us to get crushed."

"No, its fine.." you said. "Thanks." You laid your hand on top of his, squeezing it.

"Come on, ya shanks! What're you doing?" Minho asked as he grabbed Thomas and lifted him by his shirt, then approaching you. He started to reached for you, and, on second thought, offered his hand. You took it and stood up, brushing the dust off your clothes.

You and Thomas walked out of the building you had arrived in, taking in the open space and large crowd.

"We got a lot of people out," Minho said, placing his hands on his hips. "Now we've got to establish a community."


While Minho was busy with a few others taking a head count, you slipped away to find Thomas, wherever he'd wandered off to.

You found him sitting on the edge of a cliff with his legs dangling off, a beautiful view spread out before him. You sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around you as you laid your head on his shoulder.

"Its kind of beautiful, isn't it?" you ask.

"Yeah," Thomas responded.

"I wish Teresa could be here."

"And Chuck."

"And Newt."

"And a lot of other people."

You nodded. "But we made out with a lot of people, too."

"Yeah." he forced a small smile. "We did good."

"I love you, Thomas." you said after a few moments of silence and kissed him.

"And I love you, (Y/N)."

The two of you sat in silence, holding each other close and watched as the sun set on the horizon.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now