#10)-Softball Championship{Requested}

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This imagine was requested by staygoldbailey



You tapped your hand on the bench nervously, glancing at the bleachers very now and then. It was the final inning of your championship softball game, and your team was up to bat. The score was 5-7 in favor of the other team. Dylan had come to watch and support.

Hours before, you had been confident that your team would be that year's champions, but now you weren't so sure.

"(Y/N)!" your coach said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "You're up to bat. Kathie went out."

Crap. That's two outs. If you get out now, the game is over and your team loses. As you grab a bat and begin walking towards home plate, you spot Dylan in the crowd. He gives you a huge grin and a double thumbs up. You force a smile and turn to the plate, holding your bat up, taking your position to swing. There are players on first base and third base.

The pitcher throws a ball and you swing, missing the ball. "Strike 1!" The umpire calls out as the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher. You let out an exasperated sigh, pulling the bat back up to your shoulder.

The pitcher throws another ball, and this time you make contact, but the ball flies to the side. "Foul ball!"

Two strikes.

If you get a home run now, you'll win the game, but anything bother than that is a tie or a loss.

You take a deep breath, setting up to swing once more. You focus as hard as you can on the pitcher and the ball in her hand.

"YOU CAN DO IT, (Y/N)!!" Dylan calls from behind you. You smile and grip the bat tighter.

The pitcher throws the ball, and you swing smacking the bat into the ball. It goes soaring high in the air and you toss the bat to the ground, sprinting towards first base. Behind you, one of your teammates crosses home plate.

One run.

You sprint to second base, seeing a catcher pick up the ball put of the corner of your eyes as you pivot on the base, heading for third. The other teammate the was running also crosses home plate.

Two runs.

You put all you have left into running as you see the pitcher catch the ball from outfield. She begins sprinting towards as you turn towards home plate. At this rate, she'll run into you just before home plate. Everyone on the field and in the crowd are yelling, cheering on their teams.

When the catcher gets only a few feet away, she dives for you. Before you can even think, you drop to the ground, sliding just under her reach. Seeing what you're doing, she puts her arm down, touching you with the bal as she lands on the other side of you.

That's it. She got you out. Game over. You put your hands over your face and just lay on the ground. You'd done your best. There was nothing else you could have done.

"SAFE!!" you heard the umpire shout.

"Wait, what?" you ask, leaning up on your elbows. Somehow, in all that happened, you had managed to get your foot to the home plate. And, according to the umpire, you'd done it before the girl touched you with the ball.

You had won.

Your teammates stormed the field, lifting you off the ground engulfing you in a group hug as you all jumped around. You spotted Dylan in the cheering crowd, clapping, whistling, and beaming. You smile at him and you made eye contact.

"I TOLD YOU YOU COULD DO IT!!!" he exclaimed.


After your coach had dismissed your team, you said goodbye to your teammates and gathered your things. You walked through the crowd, trying to find Dylan. You spotted him running his fingers through his hair, looking around for you. You began running to him as he spotted you and opened his arms for you. You wrapped your arms around his neck when you reached him and he hugged you, lifting you off the ground and spinning.

"You were amazing!!!" he exclaimed after he had put you back down. You both grinned and he kissed your forehead. "I'm so proud of you!"

You tucked a stray piece of behind your ear. "Thanks."

"Celebratory ice cream?" he asked.

"Celebratory ice cream." you agreed, nodding


Well, there you go!! I hope you enjoyed it, staygoldbailey!! 😊

If anyone else has a request, please send it in! I posted a chapter a couple of days ago for requests, so head over there to see you options!

Thanks for reading!!

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