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A/N sorry if i start to say 'i' instead of 'you' like i said this is my first x reader so i'm sorry if i do anyways chapter 2, enjoy.

( y/n) pov.

You sat at the bar with a really sad expression.

" what's wrong (y/n)?" Some girl said, she had white hair and had a pink/red dress on.

" Why do you care." you said coldly.

" Oh sorry, I'm Mira, know will you tell me whats wrong." she said again.

You didn't answer, you just looked at the counter.

" Is it a guy?' she asked trying to get answers. you look up and your cheeks go red.

" I knew it, okay so how is it i promise i wont tell anyone." she said.

you pointed at Zeref. she gasped.

" No way, Zeref, well he is kinda cute." she said, she also had the eyes of a fan girl, not good news, you thought.

" the only thing was i didn't know he had a girlfriend." you mumbled. the bad news was Mira heard you.

" Oh, are you talking about Mavis, first of all she isn't his girlfriend. second she's way to loud and annoying for him, but she has been trying for a year know to make him go on a date with her and every time he's turned her down, so don't bet you self up about it, she's nothing special to him." Mira explained which made you stop being so sad.

I can't believe I've already fallen for him and we just meet. i guess love at first sight is real. you thought.

" Hey Mira!" Some one yelled my eyes went to the Natsu kid.

" Yes Natsu?" She asked with a kind voice.

" do you know where Zeref and Mavis went?" he asked. Your heart dropped again you felt the pain that just left come back.

" No, I've been talking to (y/n) and wasn't paying attention." she answered.

Natsu looked at you and smiled big. you just looked down at the ground again.

" What's wrong?" he asked. you felt a tear fall from your eye you wipe it away fast.

" Nothing." you said standing up and piratically running out of the gild. "

you found a tree on a hill and tears came out uncontrollable. you never cried so hard ever sense your brother died.

" Hey why are you crying?" you hear someone ask. you knew who it was, it was Zeref. you didn't look up at him. you just kept crying into your with our knees. your heart felt heavy and your lunge felt like the wanted to shatter.

Then you felt a pair of arm, was around your back and the other was around your neck. You finally look up at Zeref. you put your legs down and lend on his solder.

" now you want to tell me what's wrong?" he asked. You knew you couldn't because he was the reason and you didn't want to hurt him for that so you just stayed silent.

about 30 minuets pasted and Zeref took his arms off of you and hold your hand instead. you stopped crying about 5 minuets ago.

" ugh, I'm such an idiot." you said, sitting up and using your free hand to pull your ( h/l) (h/c) hair back.

" No your not." Zeref said looking at you. you gave him a are-you-kidding-me look , he just laughed at you.

you where surprised. " what are you laughing at? " you asked confused.

" it looked like you where going to kill me just for giving you a complement your something else ( y/n)." he said. you just sighed and looked at the city. (A/N This is about the time after the seven year gap happened.)

I was nice to spend some time with him even if he doesn't like me the way i like him.

you thought.

you lend your head on the tree and forgot you two where still holding hands.

A/n Thanks for reading next chapter is going to be where you meet Mavis and yes she gets you very pissed of and stuff happened anyways until next time bye.

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