A I Have No Idea to Call Chapter

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(y/n) pov. 

After leaving Zeref's apartment I went home and when I got to the door I felt tears going down my face.

Why did I have to fall in love?

If I new it was going to hurt so bad I wouldn't of.


My mind was thinking of so much things all at once. I walked into my apartment and went to my room.

" I haven't cried like this since my brother died, and even after that I still never cried so hard." I said to my self. 

" (y/n), what's wrong." I heard someone say.

I looked over by the door and saw Lucy.

" oh hi Lucy." I said I'd whipping my tears away.

She then came and gave me a big hug.

" tell me what's wrong?" she asked.

" i-i.........c-can't." I said I wanted to tell Lucy but I wasn't sure she'd understand.

" why not?" she said pulling away from the hug and looking at me. 

I opened my mouth to say something when I remembered she was in love with Zeref's brother Natsu.

I stopped crying. " okay, the thing is I've fallen in love." I said and Lucy's eyes went wide I just looked at the round.

" with who?" she said. I've barely been in the gild for like a few weeks so I understood why she was surprised.

" With...... " I started but stopped.

" tell me please I won't tell anyone." she begged.

I took a beep breath and mumbled " Zeref." she didn't do anything for a second and then she blinked.

"wait really?" she asked I nodded. 

" Then why are you crying?" she asked.

" Because someone already got him." I said still liking down.

" What are you talking about, he's not with someone, actually want to know something?" she asked. 

" what?" I asked confused. 

" Natsu always tells me that Zeref really likes you he's just to scared to tell you also another reason why he hasn't told you is because he doesn't want you and Mavis to get into a fight that's all." Lucy said.

" well Mavis already got one." I said looking determined.


Next day.

I walked into the gild hoping to find Mavis somewhere, but instead I found Zeref. He saw me and walked over to me. 

" hey (y/n)." he said walking up to me.

" uh...  Hi." I said. Then I saw Mavis over by the bar talking to Mira. I walked past Zeref and walked over there.

" Mavis you shouldn't do that you grandfather would be so mad if he found out. " Mira said. 

" that's why I'm making sure no one will know about it." Mavis said. 

" what you talking about." I said interrupting.

" oh you." Mavis said all mad then she tried to punch me but I stopped her hand. 

" don't try shorty." I said with furious eyes. 

Then she tried to use he magic on me.  She summoned some dog.

" the try and beat that." she said then I closed my eyes and slot of Magic Power started coming out of me everyone was silent. I opened my eyes and Mavis started shaking.

" you sure you want to fight?" I asked then she made her dog attack and I just waved and it disappeared. Then I jumped and said.  " All Elemental Dragon Fist." after that I was even sure she was breathing e be ruined was so shocked.

" she's a dragon slayer. " everyone yelled.  Some people went over by Mavis. In the end I never killed her but I was close, after are fight I started feeling horrible like I shouldn't have done it.  It's been an hour and Mavis still hasn't woken up. I was staring at a cup when Zeref came over and hugged me from behind.

" why do you look so sad." he whispered in my ear.  I blushed but i was all St about to cry. 

" I almost killed someone." I said. Zeref let go of me and took a seat by me.

" yeah I know but you can't beat yourself up about it. " he said

" thanks but I think i-", " wait I need to talk to you if you don't mind." Zeref said interrupting me.

"fine. " I said he walked out of the gild and somewhere else. We were in front of a cave.

" what are we doing here? " I asked Zeref.

He just sat down on a rock I sat beside.

" so. You going to tell me why where here or do I have to ask 20 question to find out. " I said looking at him.

" this is where me and my brother lived with are father Igneel. " he said

" on a cave." I said.

" yeah. " he said looking at the sun set. I was still looking at him but I was trying to figure out why he brought me here.

He looked at me and we meet eye contact. Then he put his head on mine.  I got really red for some reason.

"(y/n), would you be my girlfriend?" he asked I was so surprised I couldn't think straight.

" uh... Uh...... " that was all I could say then I kissed him. He kissed me back, I parted away and said. " does that answer your question?" I asked he just smiled and nodded.  Then I hugged him and for some reason started crying it was from joy and sadness. We stayed there like that for a long time, but we both didn't mind because we had each other.

A/N No words bye.

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