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I woke up seeing the bland white walls I covered my eyes seeing the sun burning my eyes I laid back in my bed

" Hoi wake up!" My next door partner did " I'm sleeping"
" Then wake up!" He yelled I almost fell out the bed
" What the hell?" I glared at him " It's 1 So you should get up " He glared back I hated him already

The doctor approached me without notice ,I saw the the door swing the doctor Sakura saying " Temari-San we have your results" I sat straight up in my bed and listen to what she was saying cause my test results are something I look for since I wanted to escape this white prison " You look pretty good and your well enough to stay for 2 weeks"
I smiled wildly I was so happy I get to leave I packed my things and got ready
I was just taking the Iv's off of me " Tch lucky" he snickered I looked at him
" Well it depends on what you have.. What do you have?" I questioned him I never knew anything about him except his name " Leukemia" He mumbled " Me too" I smiled his eyes were wide open when he saw my smile , I took my suitcase and walked out the door
Saying ' me too' and smiling isn't a bad thing it's just that I felt like the only person in the world who had leukemia was me

" Temari " my brothers looked at me " Finally lets go home " Gaara pulled me in a rush
Kankuro followed us from behind we arrived home and everything was perfect spotless
"What's going on?" I questionably asked they didn't seem themselves I mean everything was clean the laundry was done is stuff I guess they really just missed me seeing me that Sunday " Is it spotless?" Kankuro presented
" Yes-definitely Yes" I smiled looking around the house " We're celebrating tonight" Gaara seemed so happy even though they just left me Gaara went to meditate and Kankuro just walked out the door to meet his 'Friends' as he sees his world

" Gaara don't you have school?" I yelled to him while I unpacked " Yes" he yelled back I went to his room " well get ready  for tomorrow " I stood by the door frame while he meditated he opened one eye " Already did Temari- NeeSan don't worry about me " Gaara smiled at me and closed his eyes I walked away leaving his dark room to bleed heat
I walked out the door seeing kids play teenagers vlogging I started to walk around are curve since are neighborhood isn't that big it's only around a circle and one right turn and you find the exit I stepped down are stairs in front of are huge house I hate to call it a mansion it annoys me for some reason the last time I came here their was a house 3 houses away from ares for sale I did see someone purchase it

As a coincidence I saw someone walking too I looked closer I couldn't really see who it was but I didn't want to be to nosy saw I walked the other away I had just crossed him when I exited the neighborhood I could see a flower field sitting down on some flowers feels nice the warmth of the sun the smell of pretty flowers I looked up and there stood a guy looking straight at me I looked back " Are you that girl from the hospital?" He asked me I looked down and back up " Yes " I replied he was the same person from the hospital he shined in the sun like an angel his brown eyes brightened and his hair was in that poky ponytail he looked like a pineapple

" Shikamaru?" I tried guessing his name  he nodded his head in a yes , matter
He sat right beside me he looked up the clouds " Cloud watching?" I raised my eyebrow
" I Do it all the time" He replied laying his back against the grass he paused
" you know people treat us so special but they think we're different " I stared at him
" We are special in are own way"

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