Love again?

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" You.... " she paused and had tears running up in her eyes

" You only... have 3 months, live" she hesitated She inhaled and exhaled to keep from crying
My brothers eyes were wide so was mine " You must've made a mistake! " Kankuro shouted  " I'm not lying I have to go check on the other patients" Sakura left I looked at Kankuro he started gritting his teeth " Why did have to be you?" He said she hugged him when he started to cry, Gaara joined in I placed my arm behind Gaara pulling him in, I remember something I remember promising mom I wouldn't leave my brothers or ever cry , I hated crying it was my weakness

I didn't want to tell Shikamaru since he'll freak out so I want to keep it a secret
I broke the hug and looked at them " Promise me you'll never cry again" I told them my face was solid straight
They nodded in a unison


My phone rang on my desk next to my computer
I picked it up " Temari?" The voice said I had my full attention on the caller
" Shikamaru?" I said " Yes" I was happy to hear his soothing voice in my ear
" What's up?" He asked " Nothing much " I told and him and kinda lied for not telling him that I had a amount of time left in.... Life

We talked all after noon, it was like a song talking to him I could bare the limit to my life but seeing him in pain I couldn't put up with

Sorry it was short I won't  update for a while
Thanks for reading love you guys(^ω^)

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