Back at it again

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I woke viewing the white ceiling I looked around I couldn't remember this room it's so white and cold, I really open my eyes and Witness a pineapple head and 2 boys that
Way different from each other , I sat up slowly they smiled at me , I rubbed my eyes it wasn't a dream , " Temari are you ok?" The red head said , Gaara I said in my mind Gaara that's his name my brother I remember now " I'm fine " I replied I took a step of the bed " Temari it's to early you need some rest before you start walking" Kankuro said next to him , I slipped back in the bed and laid down , the pineapple head never talked he just stared at me

The two guys had left having a doctor kind of rushing into the room she had pink hair
Sakura was her name I think ' why can't I remember a thing and what happened?' I thought about what was going on I decided to ask the nurse " What happened?" I asked she looked up at me in concern when she was just about to prick a needle in my finger

She opened her mouth but didn't speak cause she was interrupted by yelling just out the door, she opened the door to take a look I was looking right behind her the pineapple head was yelling at the browned head guy , I stepped out, " What's going on?" I asked they both stopped fighting and yelling then the attention was turned on me

" Temari" he came closer to me in looked me in the eyes and said " Sorry" I felt hurt inside by him even though I can't remember him , the pineapple head turned and walked away we saw go down the hallways he was upset according to his body language
His head dangling and hands in pockets and avoided people passing by

I felt bad




" What actually happened ?" I asked when I went back on my bed getting my blood tested " Red head took a deep breathe "

" Last night you went with the guy Shikamaru and friends you were walking to comeback home with him and you didn't feel well and you started to foam in the mouth passing out and gagging he got help while you were hurt , Luckily a doctor was there
He helped out a lot he had equipment luckily then you were rushed to the hospital and now we're waiting for your results to come back clean and positive" Gaara smiled at the end , I was shocked cause I don't remember a thing " How did that happen?" I asked

" It's when your lungs are filled with fluid and you foam which is the fluid and it was blocking your air way so he had stuck a tube down your throat and sucked the
Fluids into a machine " The doctor... Sakura said " Any other questions?" She asked 
I nodddd no

Sakura left to get my results I looked and saw my brothers worried about me,they felt to down I hugged them " I'm fine guys " cheered them up about the incident last night

After a few minutes of talking the doctor came back we looked at her when she came thru the door she looked a little sad 

" Your results are here" she said, she took a deep breathe
" You...."

To be continued

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