It was.... You?

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Hey guys sorry about the looooonnnggg delay I very much apologize and my other stories are in voting make sure to check them u get to vote and make your own story with me (only if u have Kik, Instagram or Google docs) Thx guys I hope u like this chapter and I love u guys and have the best day ever even though school sucks
Gaara: Enough chit chat move on with the story
Kankuro: *Eats popcorn* yeah I've been waiting for months to finish reading this story
Me: *Sighs* Ok sorry

Mr. Unasagi helped us track the thief he clicked on something and started typing and stuff "There.... Umm Temari this guy is a billionaire his name is Shikamaru Nara his dad just died about uhh 14 hours ago they made donations...? And I guess they may have personally talked to you and let you know about this somehow"
My soul drowned in my anger all I could think about is Shikamaru Nara the guy I loved betrayed me I'm such a stupid person  I beat myself up for it.

My brothers knew how much I loved him, Gaara put a hand on my shoulder
It wasn't just about the money it was about betrayal and starting to love someone whom I cared for and I was an idiot

I shocked my head to clear my mind a little I don't like crying I promise I won't cry again, I held back my tears


Any suggestions?

Instagram: Tema_uchiha
Kik: Tema Sabaku
Vine: Tema
Comment like and vote (if u want to I won't really care)
My goal to continue is the first of December love yall😘😘

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