Mephisto x Fem!reader

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(Yn)'s POV

"Ah! Miss (Yn), just who I wanted to see!" I roll my eyes at Mephisto's antics.

"I would guess, you did call me here. What do you want?"

"My, my, is it so wrong for the principal of a prestigious school want to check up on one of his students?"

"We both know that's bull, so what do you want?" He raises an eyebrow with a smirk.

"You know that is no way to talk to your superiors."

"We both know that I don't consider you my superior, so cut the crap before I leave." His smile leaves his face for a moment, but quickly comes back.

"Fine. I need you to keep an eye on Rin." I nod, and he continues." Also you are stronger then him, so if something happens try to calm him somehow." He smiles and suddenly appears right in front of me.

"You know, it's weird we don't know who is your demon father... I don't know who has black flames..." As he speaks he leans forward to the point of our noses touching. I of course look like a cherry, and he is the same smirking demon.

"Y-yeah real interesting! Got to go!" I sprint out of the room.

Mephisto's POV

I look over to Amaimon.

"Don't get her hurt." He nods and disappears leaving me to think about that (h/c) half demon.

"She's very... Interesting."

-------- time skip

(Yn)'s POV

"So this is where we're setting up came?" I ask look over at Shura, which she nods.


I walk back to the camp and sit down, ignoring the surprised looks from Yukio and Shura.

"That was easy." No one comments so I just sit down and let myself doze off. Until I hear cheers.

"How did you get here so fast?" The blue eyes half demon questions me. I just smirk and shrug.

-------- lots of time skips~

"It's a trap!" I yell at Rin, but he still unsheathes his sword and charges at Amaimon.

Pop! Crack! Pop!

I saw Bon and his friends then I looked at Amaimon, who has what looks like a piece of broccoli on his head. The angry demon is now holding Bon up by his neck, that set me off.

"Hey demon king let go of him!" I tackle him and he looks at me.

"Big brother said not to hurt you, but you're in my way." He hits me sending me flying into a nearby tree.

"Shit... That hurt..." I get up and us my powers to fly at him, but stop when I see Rin beating the crap out of Amaimon.

Suddenly a coo coo bird grabs Amaimon, but Rin is still acting like a monster.

"Rin calm down, this isn't you." He slashes me with his sword, making me bleed more.

He stabs me in my side, and I punch him in the stomach knocking him off of me.

Staggering I get up and glare at the still animalistic Rin.

"Rin I'm sorry I'm gonna have to hurt ya'." I smirk despite the blood I'm losing and pain coursing through my body.

Rin charges me again, but I dodge and hit him in the back of his neck effectively knocking him out.

Yukio and Shura run up to me, but then everything disappeared into darkness.

Mephisto's POV

After getting Amaimon away from Rin I come back to see (Yn) knock Rin out, but then she starts to sway and I see all of the blood. I quickly scoop her up and teleport her to my mansion's infirmary.


"I'm so sorry (Yn)... I knew I should have stopped Rin also..." I mumble for the hundredth time this evening.

"Yeah... Well it was my job..." A sweet voice spoke making me look up from my lap and to (Yn) who is smiling slightly at me.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" I hold her gently, burying my face in the crook of her neck.

"Awww... Was Mephy worried about me?" She giggles in a sing-song voice.

"Yes... All I saw was you hitting Rin, then swaying then, blood... Lots of blood." My words come out choked she wraps her arms around me and I look up into her (e/c) eyes.

(Yn)'s POV

I stare into his bright green eyes.

"I'm sorry for scaring you..." He shakes his head sighing.

"I don't think you meant to get stabbed..." I laugh at his tone, then blush noticing how close he is to me. His nose is almost touching mine!

He smirks at me noticing my darkening blush. "What's wrong? Do you like me~?" He sing in to my ear making me shiver.

"I think I'm in l-love with you..." I mumble, but he hears and gets his own blush dusting his cheeks, but still smiles and leans forward letting our lips connect.

Mephisto pulls away and smiles one of his rare genuine happy smiles.

"I think I love you too!"

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