Levi x Injured!Fem!Reader

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(Yn)'s POV

"Hanji! Move your squad to the right flank! Levi! Move your squad to the left flank! (Yn)! Move your squad to the front!" Erwin commands, and all of us move to our positions.


"Squad leader (Yn), somethings wrong... I mean it's to quiet. We haven't seen a single titan for the past hour." Conner says. I nod then look at him.

"That probably means we are going to get hit by large groups..." The rest of the squad agrees, and we continue riding forward.


"There's 3 five meters coming, and two abnormals!" I look at my squad then nod.

"You go take care of the small ones then come back me up with the other two. Now go!" They shoot me a few worried glances, but nonetheless take off. I glare at the two abnormals coming my way, and take off towards them.

The taller one swats at me like I'm some kind of fly, but I simply land on its shoulder, making it flail around. Then I jump out of the way of a large hand and try to slice it's neck. Sadly the thing grabs my wires and holds me up by them above its open mouth.

"Not today!" I scream as I swing forward and cut my wires, successfully sending me towards its unprotected nape.

With a simple swing I cut its nape, but then there's the other titan coming at me. I have no way of getting away from it, I'm in a free fall to my death!

Surprisingly it doesn't grab me and eat me, no it smacks me. The fast moving hand sends me at least 50 yards before I hit a tree and black out.

———— after expedition

Levi's POV

I walk towards (Yn)'s squad.

"Where's squad leader (Yn)?" I question glaring at the lot. They a visibly deflate, and a brunette walks up to me with a grim aura. In tears she looks straight at me.

"(Yn) was a good solider. She gave her life protecting humanity's future, and will be remembered..." My eyes widen.

"She's..." They all nod solemnly. I turn and walk off to Erwin's office.

"Hello Levi, where's (Yn)? I thought you were going to get her." I look at him not even bothering to keep my emotionless mask on.

"She died..." Hanji gasps at my grim words.

"Little (n/n) is g-gone? How?" I shook my head and looked at the ground.


(Yn)'s POV

I open my eyes and look into the eyes of my... Horse. Yes it's my horse, it's spinning, just like everything else, but it's my horse! And I'm not dead!

My horse,(h/n) whinnies once it sees that I'm awake.

"Hey (boy/girl)... I think I broke every bone in my body, can you help me up please?" I'm not lying, I physically can't get up. (H/n) does some weird shake thing with her head, then kneels down so I can grab the reins.

Once I have a good hold (he/she) pulls me up, and I feel each bruise and broken bone, not to mention my pounding head.

"Hey (h/n) can you help me get on p-please?" (H/n) kneels down, and I do some kind of shimmy onto (him/her).

"Let's go..." I look down at myself." Wow that's a lot of blood..." I mumble. "Let's get to the wall before I bleed out..."

(H/n) starts going towards the walls and I look up at the spinning sky. 'If a Titan comes (h/n) will save me... I need to see him...'

----- Flash Back

"Squad Leader (Yn)! Come over here!... I need to talk to you!" I look over to see Corpral Levi motioning for me to go with him.

"Yes Corpral." I walk with him to his office, and he opens the door.

"Look after the expedition I need to tell you something okay?" I nod. "That means you better survive."

---------- End of Flash Back

Levi's POV

"C-Corpral!" A cadet scrambles into my office out of breath.

"What-" "There's a person at the gate she-" I quickly run out of the room, not listening to what else she had to say.


"(Y-Yn)! She's alive!" Hanji cheers while looking at your sleeping figure.

"Oi! Shitty glasses shut up! You're going to wake her up!" I scold, and she nods then runs out of the room.

"Why'd she run out of the room?" A quiet voice asks. I turn around and look at her.

"You're awake!" I lean in and kiss her on the lips, but quickly retract. "Don't ever do that again!" She chuckles softly, and nods.

"So that's what you wanted to tell me?" I smirk and kiss her again.

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