chapter 2: Broken arm?

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Chapter 2

"Good morning world and all its inhabitants." Sarai yelled into my room.

How she got in I don't know.

"What are you doing in my house at 6 am?" I asked her pulling the covers over my head.

"Connor let me in," she told me throwing a pillow at my face, "you know I should be hurt that you gave Connor a key and not me but I don't hold grudges so it's all good".

"What is Connor doing here so early?" I asked while getting out of my bed.

"Isn't it obvious it's Tuesday we always carpool on Tuesdays and it's his turn so I made him get up early cause I wanted to help pick out your outfit for today cause you need to look more girly."

"I do look girly excuse you".

"Good morning beautiful ew you look terrible," Connor says walking into my room with a disgusted look in his face.

"Rude and Sarai I do dress girly I wore high-waisted shorts yesterday for you information."

"Yeah but you also wore a black band shirt and it brings out your rocker girl side," she says as she goes through my closet.

"I'm going to make you some breakfast so hurry up and get ready" Connor told us as he closed the door he obviously didn't want to hear us bicker.

"Fine go ahead pick my outfit out" I told her as I walked into my bathroom.

In the end she made me wear a white ruffle shirt with a black bow belt to sinch it in to show off my curves with slightly ripped jeans. She wanted me to wear tan heels that have a bow on it but instead I wore tan flats.

As for make-up I wore black eye liner on my water line and applied mascara to make my long lashes look fuller and bolder.

"Now you look beautiful," Connor said as I entered the kitchen where he was making us breakfast.

"Well I feel too girly" I pouted as I sat down in the kitchen table.

"You look fine" Sarai assured me.

Connor made us scrambled eggs with bacon. Delicious. I don't know about you guys but I like putting ketchup on my eggs. Call me weird but I grew up doing that.

After we finished eating our eggs and bacon we all headed out to Connors car, Connor has a 2013 BMW 328i, it has a silver exterior and the inside has nice leather seats. As you can tell I am jealous of him. That is my dream car.

I changed the radio station to my favorite station. When we tuned in it was playing one of my favorite Pierce the Veil song, Hold on til May. I automatically started singing,

"She sits up high surrounded by the sun

One million branches and she loves everyone

Mom and dad did you search for me.

I've been out here so long im going crazy!"

"Who sings this son?" Sarai asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked her giving her a disapproving face, "Pierce the Veil". I shook my head people these days.

"Im sorry I don't listen to this music" she responded.

"Im missing my favorite part shh".

I started singing again.

"If I were you I'd put that thing away.

See your just wasted, thinking about the past again.

Darling you'll be okay." I sang along.

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