Chapter 6- Crying?

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Chapter 6- Crying?


I walked over to the dance floor and started moving my body to the music.

It wasn't long until I had a guy dancing with me. I could see the look the guys were giving me. I guess they were surprised that I decided to let go and have fun.

"Want a drink?" the guy who was dancing with me asked.

He wasn't bad looking then again every guy in this party was pretty much buff and attractive. Aaron really knows how to pick friends.

"Sure lead the way" he grabbed my hand and lead me into the kitchen where they also had drinks.

He passed me a beer and grabbed one for himself. I opened mine and took a small sip not wanting to have a coughing fit (again).

"What's your name I've never seen you at the parties the guys throw for Aaron" he asked me.

"I'm Madissen and this is my first time ever coming to a party so that's why you have never seen me" I explained.

"My name is Eric" he stuck his hand out for me to shake. I accepted it and shook his hand.

"So who are you here with" Eric asked.

"I am here with Aaron" I said while I took a sip of my beer.

"Aaron never brings girls with him he usually is only with Garret, Jake, and Luke." he said in a surprising tone.

I chugged my beer down and this time I didn't go into a coughing fit.

"I am actually surprised he isn't always with girls at parties anyway want to go back and dance I love the song they are playing". I could feel the alcohol impacting my body again. I am totally lightweight.

"What song there isn't a song playing" he had a confused look plastered on his face.

"Yeah there is it's the one that goes

Look at that booty. Show me the booty.

Gimme the booty. I want the booty.

Back up that booty. I need that booty."

I continued to sing the whole booty song and started my shaking my booty to go along with the song.

"Wow you're really drunk" he whispered into my ear while holding on to me making sure I didn't fall over.

"Am not I'm perfectly fine hand me another beer" I shouted to him he modestly handed me another beer.

"Sure you are how about we go back and dance" he chuckled. I reluctantly put my beer down and he grabbed my hand and lead me back outside to the dance floor.

Once we got to the outside porch i saw a body run up to us. It was running so fast I couldn't tell who it was. Once he stopped running when it reached us I realized it was Aaron.

All of a sudden tugged me away from Eric and back to where the cooler was with his friends. I looked back to look at Eric and he was just staring at me dumbfounded.

"What the hell?" I screeched at him. I may be drunk but even drunk me knows that was completely rude because i was having fun with him.

The next move Aaron made caught me off guard because he pulled me into a tight hug. Before I could say anything he spoke.

"gosh I was so scared I didn't see you anywhere and you're really drunk and drunk people don't think straight," he still had me in his arms not letting me go, not that I'm complaining.

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