Chapter 3: fell down the stairs?

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Chapter 3: Fell down the stairs?

“So why weren’t you in school today?” my mom asked me once she got back from work.

I can’t tell her that I got abused by ex-boyfriend because she would go crazy and make it a big deal. Which it is but I don’t really feel interacting with people right now. My parents are really over protective, especially my dad. When my dad found out that Aiden cheated on me I had to convince him not to kill him. He had his gun loaded and everything.

“Um I wasn’t feeling good so I came home”, which isn’t a lie cause I actually wasn’t feeling well.

“Oh are you coming down with a cold?” she came running into the room I was in with a thermometer and blankets, keep in mind this is still summer time so it was hot.

“No mom im not coming down with a cold I just had a huge headache, and since I have dance tryouts coming up soon I needed to save my energy” I explained to her while I tried to get out from under all the blankets she brought over.

“Oh that’s reasonable well is Connor here cause I saw his car out front?”

“Oh shit!” I got up and ran to grab my stuff. I totally forgot I still had Connor’s car he is going to be really mad.

“Madissen come back here at this instant!” she yelled at me.

I groaned I forgot my parents hate cursing. “Yes mom” I said with a sweet innocent voice.

“What did you say back there?” she asked me. Whenever I curse my punishment is to do 10 pushups for every letter the word has. It’s painful but it’s good for conditioning.

“I said oh...... please don’t make me say it let me just do the pushups I have to do.” I pleaded.

“Okay so that will be 40 pushups starting now”

I got down to the ground and went to push up position, and then I collapse. I forgot my arm is sore. I started to grab on to my arm.

“Madissen are you okay what’s wrong?” she came to my side and looked at my arm.

“Who did this to you why do you have a hand mark on your upper arm” she yelled. This is why I didn’t want her to know.

“Answer me at this instant!”

“It's nothing I just hurt myself I’ll explain later  let me just finish the push-ups cause I have to do something”

“Fine but when you come back and your dad is home we are going to talk about this”

I did 40 girly push-ups. I hate doing girly push-ups because it makes me feel weaker than I am.


Luckily my mom works from 7am to 3pm so I still had time to go back to the school and pick up Connor and Sarai and give Connor his car back.

“Thank god you’re here I thought I was going to have to ride the bus to your house so I can get my car back.” Connor told me when he saw me outside of the school building. 

“Did she treat you badly?" he said in a baby voice. “You better have not have scratched her” he said while he inspected his car.

“Maddie are you okay why weren’t you in class today?” Sarai asked me when she ran up to give me a bear hug.

Pain that was the first thing I felt. 

“ow stop my arm hurts and first thing I wasn’t feeling good so I took Connor’s car home so I can lay down” I explained I punched Connor’s arm, “second thanks for asking if im okay I forgot your car is more important than me, im hurt that really hurt me” I said to Connor. 

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