Chapter Three

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Jeremy's POV
"Bye dork! Have fun reading Shakespeare" She says poking fun.

I watch her saunter away with her lucious curls bouncing up and down.

I hate that she had to go so soon I love talking to her.

I sit up and put my hands to my forehead. I like this girl.

Even though I've only known her for a little bit it seems like I've known her my entire lifetime she brings something to the table I don't know what it is yet but I enjoy every minute of it.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

The way her nose scrunches up when she giggles a little too hard at my jokes.

The way her curls bounce up and down every time she moves.

The way she bats her eyelashes when she looking at me something about her. She is doing something to me.

Hmm I'll text her I think to myself. I pull out my phone and find her name 'Avery the Goddess' and begin a text.

"Hey!" I send.

I sit back in my chair staring at my phone awaiting a response. 4 minutes pass by and suddenly my phone vibrates.

"Jeremy?" Is the response I see come across my screen

"Why yes it is (;" I send back.

"Can't talk right now I'll give you a call later (:" She responds almost immediately

I wonder what she could be doing so soon after leaving the book store...

"Oh well don't think too hard on it jer I'm sure it's nothing" I say aloud to myself.

Or at least I hope so.

Authors note:
I know this chapter is super short I just wanted you guys to get to know Jeremy a little better. There's more to come soon. Chapter 4 should be up by Tuesday.

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