Chapter Four

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(Back to Avery POV BTW)

I hit the lockscreen button on my phone after responding to Jeremy's text.

I look back up and meet Pierre, my ex-boyfriends eyes and a smirk upon his Smug mahogany face.

"Hey babygirl how you been these days?" Pierre says while gentley touching my cheek.

"I've been fine." I say slapping his hand away.

"I know you been fine" he says looking me up in down.

My stomach twists. I remember when seeing his face would light up my world and now it brings fear. I need to get out of here.

"Stop looking at me that way!" I say firmly.

"Oh Avery don't act like you don't love it." He says .

"I don't now get away from me Pierre." I say walking away from him.

"Hey don't walk away from me!" He booms at me grabbing my shoulder and jerking me back.

"Don't touch me" I spit at him.

"Oh I forget you always were the sensitive type" he says laughing

"Sensitive?! You're calling me sensitive! Excuse me for being sensitive when I was in an abusive relationship with you for almost 2 years. I have the right to be. I put up with you pushing me around, calling me names, physically hurting me! So if I'm sensitive to anything that has to do with you near me excuse me" I practically yell with tears in my eyes.

"Oh honey calm yourself down you know you miss this." He says while winking.

"Oh yeah of course I miss you! I mean come on now who wouldn't miss the bruises, the tears ,the scratches an the scars" I say looking him dead in the eye.I'm going to throw up

Pierre just stares at me blinking like a lost puppy.

"What? Have nothing to say now? Good. Get out of my way and leave me alone" I say firmly walking past him.

I glance back and I see him walking away with his head held down.

I can't believe I just did that
As I walk into the door of my house I'm greeted by Leanna asleep on the couch with a note on the table that says "The Johnson's canceled Tommy is sick. Taking a nap don't bother me!"

I sit the note down and make my way to my room. I sit on my bed thinking about my encounter with Pierre. I'm still in shock it occurred. But I'm in more shock that I spoke to him that way.

I lay back on my bed and decide to give Jeremy a call.

"Avery?" He says

"Why yes it is" I say with a smile

"What's up? I thought you had to baby sit?" He says

"Oh I did but the family canceled because the kid got sick." I answer

"Oh..that's too bad you're missing out on money" He says

"Eh it's whatever I don't plan on going to buy a new Lamborghini this week" I say jokingly

"Aw man! I was hoping to ride shot gun in one before I turn 21" he says

"Wait what?" I question

"Oh did I forget to tell you? My birthday is on Saturday!" He says with clear excitement in his voice

"Oh my goodness that only gives me 3 days to get you a present" I say frantically

"Don't worry about it! If you go out to dinner with me that can be my present!" He says

"I mean I guessssss" I say sarcastically

"Ha-Ha very funny. What time is good for you?" He asks

"Ummmm gimme an 2 hours to change and shower?" I say

"Sounds good! I'll pick you up at 7" he says then hangs up.

I like him

After getting off the phone with Jeremy I hop into the shower to freshen up. When I get out I decide to blow dry my hair so it'll be semi straight.

I forgot to ask if we should look fancy or not so I text him.

"Fancy or no?" I send

"Of course" he responds immediately

I go to my closet and I try to pick out an outfit but have no luck. I remember hearing noise in the kitchen and I figure Leanna is awake.

"Leanna! Come here!" I scream down the hall way.

A few minutes later she appears

"What?" She asks in a grumpy manner.

"Help me pick out a outfit for my date tonight" I say

"DATE?!" She Screams

"Yes.....with..... Jeremy" I say looking away

"Oh my god!! Well you've got to look to die for. You're borrowing my purple dress. You'll look amazing"

"Ummm okay? I guess I can try it." I say

Leanna goes into her room and comes back minutes later holding her royal purple dress. It stops about mid thigh. One shoulder and skin tight.

"Leanna...I don't know about this" I say skeptically

"Shut up and put it on" she says forcefully.

I decide to listen for once and put the dress on. I look in the mirror and don't recognize myself. I grab my makeup bag and apply some light purple eyeshadow and a couple coats of mascara and lipstick. I walk out of the bathroom and meet Leanna's gleaming eyes holding my 4 inch black heels. I take them and put them on.

"Um are you my best friend Avery or Kerry Washington??!" She shouts

"Oh Jeremy is outside dork" she says while winking.

"Oh lord well I'll see you when I get home. Don't wait up" I say walking out the front door.

"Of course I'm waiting up" I hear as I close the door.

I walk down the steps and see Jeremy's red Camaro. He gets out the car in dark jeans and a purple button up shirt. He glances at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my god" He says with his jaw wide open.

Sorry it was Late! Update coming soon!

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