His Pizza Girl

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                                                                           Dedication :

     For all those of us who have lost hope in love, thinking maybe there is nobody out there, let me tell you, there's somebody out there for everyone. You just haven't met your 'someone' yet. And I will not say that when you do, all wrongs will be righted, or all battles will be won, but you will be in it together and that's all you need.

                                                                         Epigraph :

                                            "People fall in love in mysterious ways."

                                                     -Thinking Out Loud, Ed Sheeran

                                                                        Synopsis :

When Isaac accidentally dials a local pizzeria, he meets his mystery girl, Jenny who never fails to amuse him. Amidst late night calls, poor jokes, terrible sarcasm,  bad puns and pick-up-lines, they find themselves in some sort of invisible bond.

                                                     What is that bond? Love?

                  Well maybe, love can be found on the other end of the line again.



                             This story is a spin off to Flirtline Bling. It could be read as a stand alone, but reading Flirtline Bling would aid in easier understanding of the references.



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A/n : hello loves,

so I guess it's finally happening? Well as much as we all want to be Isaac's girls, it had to be Jenny xD

so I guess it's finally happening? Well as much as we all want to be Isaac's girls, it had to be Jenny xD

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I just hope this story isn't an utter disaster lmao xD

Also vote/comment/share and maybe follow me <3

thanks a lot loves <3

your support keeps me going tbh :*

love always,


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