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incoming call - Scott <3




"I'm so grateful for you."

"You too, Scott."

"What's up?"

"Currently scouring Walmart for groce- Oh shit- I'm so sorry."

"Shit- I'm sorry."


"What happened?" , he said absent-mindedly as he turned to face the girl he had bumped into.

"Just bumped into this guy. He was cute, damn it."


"I am pretty damn cute or so I've heard."


"Turn around."


she stood there glued to her spot awkwardly balancing four bottles of pizza sauce and a packet of brussel sprouts, as she stared at the gorgeous boy in front of her. instantly, she was conscious of her own appearance, her hair in a messy bun with stray strands of hair falling onto her face, in  her faded sundress with her blazer wrapped around her waist.

sensing the air of awkwardness, he rushed towards her and helped her putting the items in the cart.

for the brief moment that their hands touched in the process, she felt his electric touch, reminding her that 'this is real'. he is real. isaac sebastian scott, the silly and lively boy on the other end of the line is real. and he's here.

"Taken aback by my sexiness, I assume?"

"Oh shut up, you."

but she was. she was taken aback by the attractive boy that stood in front of her. she could finally connect the deep, raspy voice to a face. his symmetrical face, with messy hair falling perfectly over his eyes. his smile looked like the brightest star in the sky, so warm and welcoming, and his eyes.

oh boy, his eyes.

his soulful blue eyes, staring right into her own, defiant yet warm, like he could see her soul.

this boy was a fucking masterpiece.

almost as though he could read her, he said with a wink , "This isn't a museum, Jenny. You're allowed to touch the art work."

"You aren't even that hot ", she said, as she realized her cheeks had begun to flush with crimson.

and then he did something that startled her.

he grabbed her face and pulled her closer, closing the distance between them by a good margin. his electric touch barely letting her breathe.

"I really really really like you, Jenny Smith."


"I think I emphasized on the 'really' part enough."

"Too much is never enough."

"You just quoted One Direction on me."

"Mhm but I know of only One Direction."

"Oh, and where does it point?"

"Right here ", she said placing a finger on his heart.


and then folks, they kissed. in the midst of the walmart aisle, unaware of all the gazes and 'oh my god kids these days' they attracted.

His Pizza Girl ✔ {#2}Where stories live. Discover now