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incoming call : Isaac <3


"Isaac, you're supposed to say hello."



"You're this amazing woman."

"What do you want?"


"Shut up"

"Thanks Jen."

"For what?"

"uh, so you're saying that you were not the one who sent the pizza and the chicken soup, with a note that said : 'the pizza is for Jake and Lily, sick people have chicken soup.' WITH A GODDAMNED WINKY FACE JENNIFER. AND A BLACK HEART."

"I have no clue what you're talking about."


"Thank you for everything, Jen."

"You're welcome, Isaac."


"This girl makes me so happy and she doesn't even know it."


new text message :

the chicken soup was so good <3

-isaac <3 , read 7:59 pm

new text message :

it was poisoned.

-my ocean, read 8:02 pm

new text message :

with love ;)

-isaac<3 , read 8:04 pm

new text message :

shut up xD

-my ocean <3 , read 8:05 pm


a/n :

double update because I'm the nicest mean person and the meanest nice person you've ever met (; (;

how ya guys doing?

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love always ,

vanzie x

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