Chapter 9: Goodbye Old Me

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I usually love shopping but today nothing seems to appeal to me. We've scoured almost every dress shop in the entire mall looking for the perfect dress. Sometimes I wonder if the dresses hide from me. Do they not want to be a part of my cunning plan to take down Morgan?

"Listen here dresses, if you wanna make it out of here alive, I suggest you show yourself and quick!" I grumbled not realising how strange I must sound.

"I don't think they heard you, want to say it a bit louder?" I turn round to see Carlie stood directly behind me with a smugg look on her face. "What's up? Didn't expect to see me here?"

"I don't care what shops you decide to plague with your presence" I snapped back. I just started something. Something nobody wants to be a part of.

"Well, that was uncalled for Sky, you know you should learn not to get on my bad side it won't help you in the future"

"I'll do just as I please thank you very much, now you may leave" I didn't want anything to do with her or her smarmy plans so I attempted to cut the conversation short.

"You won't worm your way out that easy, Tyler's no longer here to back you up so I think you'll find that I'll do as I please too" She wanted to say something and I could tell. The thing about Carlie is that she picks and pokes at me for fun but will only keep a conversation going when she has something life wrecking to say. The look on her face said it all, it's going to hurt so I prepared for the worst. "Just thought I'd let you know that me and Morgan will be going together to Junior Prom, happy shopping sweetie"

One day I'll get that girl and she'll regret everything she's ever done to me. For now I had to forget about her accidental death and concentrate on shopping. Luckily for me I have a motive now, I can and will ruin her night because I will look smoking! First I have to find a dress that will match the theme. The student council decided to set it as 'Midnight in Paris'. It's not a bad idea but it's certainly hard to shop for.

"Kayla, help a girl out here, I need to find..." I made my way to Kayla when I was suddenly hit with a ray of heavenly light. She's done it. Her years of shopping had paid off.

"Do you think this will do?" She had a giant smirk on her face. She knew I was about to praise her even before I had.

"Kayla, you are my hero!"

The dress was long and coloured a dull pastel pink. It had a deep v neck that met at my waist. There was a slit at the side that rose up to my knee. It looked stunning with the open back and a dash of decoration with the string wrapped around my waist. Put together with pink nails and shoes this would look amazing. Without any form of hesitation I paid for the dress and was out of there. Junior Prom was in a weeks time so it's lucky I got it when I did.


Endlessly searching for dresses really tires you out. Especially when all your energy came from a school meal 6 hours ago. That's why here me and Kayla are sitting inside in-n-out with a tray of animal style French fries, a double double burger and soda each. It doesn't take long to get it all inside of us since we were so hungry.

"So where to after this?" Kayla asked dropping a French fry on her t-shirt.

"Accessory shopping. We can't have amazing dresses but not amazing accessories and shoes that's just against fashion laws."

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