Chapter 4- Malhotra Company

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Recap : Nandini finally decides to go for the job without knowing it was a trap set for her by Manik.

Nandini calls her mom.
Nandini: Mom, how is Dad now?
Sudha: He is absolutely fine now .
Nandini: Mom I found a way to pay the bills.
Sudha: What way ?
Nandini: Mom I got a job in MALHOTRA COMPANY . I'll get a high salary there  and after my first salary I'll leave the job and resume my studies .
Sudha: But where is it?
Nandini: It's in Mumbai . I'll have to join tomorrow .
Sudha: Ok beta you can go but what about your accommodation?
Nandini: Mom don't worry about that ,my best friend Navya arranged it .
Sudha: Ok beta take care and call me when u reach there .
Nandini: Ok mom bye .
Navya and Nandini meet in the railway station .
Navya: I spoke with Cabir and has arranged about your flat , it's very near to the office . This is the address (she gives it ).And yes, meet Cabir when you go to office.
Nandini : Navya thank you so much , I'll meet cabir .
Navya : There , ur train has arrived . Have a safe journey . I'll miss you soo much.............
Nandini: Even I'll miss you soo much.

They hug and Nandini leaves in the train .Nandini reached Mumbai . She reaches the address. She freshens up and prays to God and then off to bed .

The next day ( the biggest day in her life )She gets ready .( she wears a black mini skirt with a white shirt and black coat ).She prays to God and leaves for office .


She reaches office and gets surprised by seeing such a huge office. At that time Manik arrives . He is heading towards the entrance when Nandini's pen falls down and she turns to take it , she clashes with Manik . Her files and papers fall down . Nandini looks at Manik with anger.

Nandini: Wherever I go you come behind me , right ? Like seriously problem Kya hai?

Manik doesn't say anything instead just smirks . She picks up the fallen stuff. Manik leaves as he knows she came for the job .His assistant gets relieved as a fight was avoided. Nandini gets angry .

Nandini: Aiyyappa , why does he always appear whenever I start to do something good ?

She enters the office. She goes to the front desk and asks Cabir's name.They show her the way.She meets Cabir who is the manager of the company .

Nandini: Good morning Sir . I'm Nandini , Navya's friend.
Cabir: Good morning . Yes I know ,she told me . And yeah don't call me Sir ,call me my name Ok ? cuz we can be friends .
Nandini: Ok
Cabir : So u want to meet the CEO .
Nandini: yeah .
Cabir: Ok, come with me .

They go towards Manik's cabin . When they reach in front of the cabin , a person calls Cabir on his phone . He asks Nandini to go in and attends the call. ( he goes away )
She knocks on the door . (Inside there is Manik with ALYA )

                                                        {Manik's Cabin }Nandini: May I come in , sir ?Manik: Yes ,you may come in

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                                                        {Manik's Cabin }
Nandini: May I come in , sir ?
Manik: Yes ,you may come in.
{Nandini opens the door with a smile but seeing Manik inside , she gets the shock of her life !}
Manik: WELCOME... MRS. NANDINI MURTHY ..., surprised huh ?
ALYA : Who is she , Manik?
Manik: My new P.A.
{Nandini gets even more shocked .}
Alya: Personal Assistant? She ? Like seriously Manik ? What's wrong with you?
Manik : You know what Alya? She... Tried to mess with me . So I thought to give her a treat for her greatest achievement .
Alya: But still ...( ALYA didn't like someone else with Manik . She had been in love with him since 7th grade . But Manik doesn't love her back .)
Manik: ALYA , did u finish your work which you were supposed to ?
Alya: No Manik.
Manik: Then out .
{ALYA leaves the cabin giving Nandini a daring look.}

Manik: So Mrs Nandini Murthy, what do you have to say abt this ? This great work which was done by ... Me ?
Nandini: What do you think ? You can do anything ? If I say I don't want this job ,then what will you do ?
Manik: Well , if u say you don't want this job , then I won't do anything but you will regret . Cause you know right you lost that café job and your dad is in urgent need of money . Just think Nandini. You have no other choice. Ohh sorry , I am not giving you a choice.
{With that Manik leaves from his cabin . Nandini Is left thinking .}



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