Chapter 18 - First Night

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Recap : Nyonika  fumes seeing Nandini in her house . She threatens Nandini and goes to slap her but is stopped by Manik .

Nyonika leaves and they look at each other .Nandini goes to the washroom and changes her dress . She comes out of the washroom when Manik changes his shirt . She turns her face and goes towards the bed . Manik goes to the washroom.

Nandini sits on the bed and prays to God , and then goes to sleep . Manik had just come out of the washroom and sees this.

M: o hello , who gave u the permission to sleep here ?
N: ur dad asked me to make myself comfortable in this room .
M: he meant this room , not this bed . This bed is mine and no one can touch it without my permission so out .
Nandini gets up .
N: then where will I sleep ?☹️
M: u? U....... U can go sleep on the couch .
N: couch ? ?😧
M: yes couch .
N: I can't sleep there
M: and why not ?
N: cause I need a spacious place to sleep.
M: ya ? Then I'll buy an acre plot to build u a special bedroom .
N: Manik pls , I can't sleep on the couch . Let's do one thing , y don't u sleep on the couch ?

Manik looks at Nandini with anger . He walks towards her and she gets scared . She moves backwards and touches the wall. Manik goes close to her and in an angry tone , he says:

"This is my house , who r u to rule me ? I'll decide where I'll sleep and where u will sleep . Get it right on ur tiny head nandu , I married u only to make u suffer . And just bcz I married u doesn't mean u have rights over everything of mine "

Manik moves away and smiles . (he was actually acting to make Nandini scared)

M: if u want u can sleep on the bed but 3/4 of the bed is for me and rest 1/4 u can take .

Nandini gets angry . Manik goes and sleeps on the bed. Poor nandu has only little space to sleep. She arranges the pillows in a straight line between her and Manik . Manik purposely twist and turns on the bed , his hand and leg falling outside the line . Nandini gets furious but knows she is helpless. She arranges the pillow again the way he is sleeping .

M: oh hello , will u sleep by today ? And what the hell r u doing ? U r making lines and playing with my pillows ? Just sleep if u want

N: my wish to sleep or not , non of ur concern .

M: well Im gonna switch off the light . Hope u r not scared of the darkness . ?

N: Manik no , Manik pls no .

M: I don't think u leave the lights on through out the night in ur house .

N: yes I don't but ... When there is a monster next to u , then who will not get scared ?

M: monster ? Seriously ?

N: yes .

M: well Idc whatever u call me , just sleep now . And yeah gn, sweet dreams.

Nandini lies down to sleep. She cries silently . She feels guilty for hiding this from her parents. She hopes her dad will be soon alright .

Soon Manik and Nandini fall asleep .

The next morning

Nyonika is coming down to the hall . She asks the servant :
Ny: did Manik open the door ?
S: no ma'am
Ny: ok , do one thing take coffee for them and come with me .

She goes to manik's room and knocks on the door .

Manan was still asleep . Nandini's arm was around manik's neck . Suddenly , hearing the knock Manik wakes up . He gets surprised seeing Nandini's arm around his neck . Manik smiles and gently moves it , but Nandini again places it . Manik again moves it . She again places and Manik takes the glass of water kept next to him ( on his side table) and pours the whole thing on her head . Nandini jumps up from the bed . And Manik laughs . Nyonika Again knocks . Nandini wipes her face with a towel . It was manik's towel .

M: u , how dare u take my towel ?

N: perfect for u , u didn't this to me so tit for tat

She throws the towel on his face and goes to open the door. Nyonika was really impatient by now . Nandini opens the door.

Ny: why is ur dress wet ?

N: no I just washed my face , thats it .

She puts her hair front and turns to go inside . The servant asks permission to come in and keeps the coffee there . He leaves .

Nandini Goes and takes her dress . She runs inside first before Manik could enter .

M: Nandini come out , I need to take a bath

N: even I have to

M: so where will I bath

N: ur house , so go and bath in some other washroom .

M: I'll show u what i can do . I'll give u 10 mins and I need u out . Or else ...

N: orelse ?.....

M: or else I'll switch of the light . Then u'll go blind there .

N: no pls . Ok I'll come in 10 mins .

M: Gud girl .

After some tym .

M: only 2 more mins .

Finally Nandini came out.

M: finally maharani came out . Thank god !

N: yes , now u can go .

M: Ik . I don't need ur permission

He goes and takes a bath . He comes out in his towel . She was ready there in her office attire . Manik comes and stands next to her infront of the mirror .

He looks at her and then is about to remove his towel .

N: Manik!! What r u doing in ur towel ?

M: then what ? Should I remove this also ?

Nandini closes her eyes and Manik removes the towel as he had his shorts under it . Manik starts drying his hair .

Nandini slowly opens her eyes .

M: I knew that u would be standing right here that's why I wore this and came .
N: as if I care .
M: now go get my suit
N: what suit ?
M: oh hello ! Now u r my wife , so fulfill the responsibility of a wife . Go fast .

Nandini angrily goes and takes his suit and comes . Manik wears his shirt and looks at Nandini who is ignoring him

M: oh ms. Maharani help me with this .

Nandini helps him . Manik asks her to come behind him like his P.A. And not to tell anyone in office abt their marriage .
Nandini goes behind him showing him faces. They come downstairs . Kuber and nyonika was there.

Manik goes to Kuber and takes blessings from him . Even Nandini take and kuber gives blessings to both of them . Nandini was about to go to nyonika when Manik stops her and signs her not to go .

M: dad so I'll leave now , with Nandini . U only have to be there for the meeting .
K: yeah sure beta. . And don't u think u should have a proper marriage ?

Manik and Nandini looks at each other .

M: well dad can v speak abt that later ?we r getting late
K: ok beta then fyn . Both of u take care . Bye
M: bye .

Manan leaves for office .

Precap: In Malhotra Mansion a car arrives . A man comes out of the car and Nandini goes and hugs him . Nyonika spots this .
Thank u all for supporting me . I never thought u all would start commenting . Thank u soo much . So this I updated for all those lovely readers of mine . Thank u all once again and keep supporting 🙂.

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