Chapter 16- Contract

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Recap : Nandini is not feeling well in the party . Mr Gupta tries to misbehave with her and Manik saves her from him . Manik hugs her.

Manik and Nandini comes back to the party . Mr & Mrs Malhotra goes towards Manik.

K: Manik , did u see mr.gupta ?

M: dad ...uh...well I think he went that way .(he point towards the room)

K: what is he doing there ?

M: I guess he wasn't feeling well maybe .

K: oh god then v should check on him .

The trio goes towards the room and finds mr.g on the floor with his lips bleeding .

K: what happened to u mr.g?

Gupta looks at Manik ,who smirks and mr.g says he fell down .

N: but how come ur lips are bleeding ?

G: actually it was dark here so when I came I fell down and it hit the edge of this table . It's ok I'm alright now .

K: ok then come lets go .

Mr.and mr& mrs MALHOTRA leaves . Gupta gives a look to Manik and Manik gives a fake smile

Manik's POV : mr.g is very dangerous for Nandini. As long as he is here , it's not safe for her . But that stubborn- head will never listen . What should I tell her ? ...That Nandini, mr.g is not a Gud guy , he is very dangerous for u? And then she will be like y do u care. I mean seriously how can someone. Be like this ? Goddd!

End of POV

Manik is now thinking of something so that nandini is safe from mr.g.

He decides something finally and thinks don't know how Nandini is going to react to this .

The party is over .they all go home , cabir drops Nandini as she denied tot take lift  from Manik .

Next morning in office

Nandini is walking towards manik's cabin when she collides with nyonika.

N: I'm so sorry ma'am .

Ny: wth ! Can't u be careful ? Now pick up my phone first .

Nandini picks up her phone from ground and while giving it nyonika, nyonika Purposely drops some files down .

Ny: oh god ! Why can't u be little sensible huh ?Why do u good for nothing creatures come to work ?now pick those files. Fast .

Everyone was looking at this scene . Ppl had pity for Nandini . Nandini felt very bad and she tried to control her tears back . Suddenly someone comes and holds Nandini's hand. It's Manik . Tears rolled down her cheeks when Manik stopped her . Manik saw this and got angry . He asks Nandini to leave the file there Itself and come . Nyonika stops them .

Ny: Manik what is ur problem ? First ask her to pick it up and then go .

M: MR.NYONIKA MALHOTRA , let me remind u that I've assigned Nandini as my P.A.and not ur servant . Get it ? This is not her job so just shut the crap .

Ny: Manik behave ur self everyone's watching

M: so then y didn't u realise everyone's watching when u were insulting Nandini ?

Ny: Manik stop this . U r supporting her instead of supporting me ?

M: and y do u think I should support u ?

Ny: bcz I'm ur mother Manik .

M: no ur not and dare say that . U r not my mother .

Ny: who is she for u that u r fighting with me so much ?

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